Seriously the worst week ever :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Sorry I moaned about HV yesterday and now I've had a bad day. I'm 33 weeks tomorrow but as measuring small I had to have a growth scan today. My baby measuring 30 weeks and 2 days and fluid a little less than what they like. I had to have a steroid injection today and another tomorrow. Seems they want to induce me at 35 weeks. Really have had a crap few days. I will type my scan report:
Single foetus cephalic. Foetal heartbeat detected.
Femur length 58.1 mm=30 weeks 4 days.
Head circumference 295.8mm
Abdo circumference 268.3mm
Foetal weight estimated at 1672gm by ac and fl. Ac only=1800gm (mean at 33 weeks =1946gm)
Liquor volume is reduced. (afi=8.7cm)

Does this mean anything to anyone?
Aaawww hun sorry you had a bad day :hug:. At least they are keeping an eye on baby though and will do what's best xxxxxxxxx
Sorry hun, I too have a small baby and have to keep having weekly scans but my fluid levels are what they class as normal and although baby is a lil smaller than "average" they are not really concerned.

Ah, the only thing that means anything to me on your scan report is your "single feotus cephalic" means baby is head down.

Did they not check your placenta and blood flow on the scan? xx
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aww hun sorry your having a rouh time,

the femur lenght is the lenght of the leg bone so guessing thats what they use to date your Lo, im no doctor but would have imagined that this could varey a bit but thats just me guessing,

Did they day they defo wanted to induce you or that they might depending on other tests?
They checked the blood flow between placenta and baby but the consultant said she is worried placenta is not working properly hence the steroid injections. She said after scan next week she said if she is not happy she will induce me the week after. Baby's have a good chance of survival at 35 weeks but still don't want her that early :( I could just cry x
Aww chick you poor thing. Don't be so down, babies have a very very very very good chance of survival at 35 weeks and just think, you get to cuddle your lil one earlier than you expected!

You never know, she may change her mind next week anyway when she sees lil one on your next scan, you could have a big growth spurt this week and not have anything wrong with your placenta. Fingers crossed everything goes well.

sorry you're going through a rough time :( fingers crossed hings sort themselves out and you wont have to be induced that early BUT at 35 weeks i really really wouldnt worry about babys safety, its only 2 weeks off full term they are so well developed by then I'm sure you will be fine :)

I know its easy to say dont worry but at least they've spotted it and they will do everything they can now to make sure baby is happy and healthy.

Wishing you lots of luck and positive thoughts xxx
I had my first at 36 weeks and he is a big strapping teenager now. lol.
Awwww I'm so sorry honey :hugs: This is a stressful time anyway. As the other ladies have said, the positive thing is that they're really keeping an eye on you and the LO so you know you're both in good hands. I know it's not ideal to have LO early but it's only by a couple of weeks hon. I'm really sorry - I hope you get better news next week xxxxx
One of our colleagues at work has had hers at 37, 36 and 35 weeks and all were healthy babies who didn't need any extra help, even though they were a bit little, so fingers crossed the steroids work and bubs arrives safe and sound, albeit a little bit early!! xxx
Thanks for all your lovely messages. My midwife went to dau tonight and saw I had been in for injection. She phoned and I broke down so she said to see her tomorrow as she is going to read my notes while there x
Aww I can imagine you're feeling crap! Your situation sounds very similar to someone I know who recently went through the same thing. Her baby was measuring weeks behind, and her waters broke at 28 weeks, so she had to have steroid injections like you, and extra scans and appointments. They kept a close eye on her constantly, then induced her at 36 weeks. Baby was born very healthy and happy. Small (3lbs 15oz) but she could breathe and feed fine on her own. So even though it sounds scary, your LO will be absolutely fine I'm sure, and there's loads of experts looking after you to make sure of this


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