seperate beds


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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is anyone else sleeping in seperate beds to their OH.. the only way i can get comfy is to sleep with loads of pillows which leaves little room for OH.. couple that with me being up every 1hr to wee and my sudden rather loud snoring, OH has decided to sleep in the spare room... we both hate it, buts it the only way we can get any form of sleep... i cant wait to have the baby and be able to share a bed again... :(
we did occasionally as me getting up all the time left OH knackered and he couldn't get back to sleep so he had a long tired day at work. we only did it every so often though, not all the time.

just think, it will all be worth it in the end but for now just do whatever gets you both the most sleep x
When i was pg last time, i slept in the bed and OH got the couch :lol:
my OH gets fed up with my snoring and fidgeting so sleeps on sofa most night, as much as i miss having him in the bed, im loving the space and being able to wrap myself in the duvet :D
We shared seperate beds when I was pg with both of ours !
But to be honest what with toilet trips, snoring, not being able to get comfy etc..etc.. It worked out well for us.

Now Im home after the birth of our second son (Fri), we will continue to share because Im up every hour or so feeding ..

:rotfl: Good contraception ..mind you :rotfl:
We're still in the same bed, but then again it takes a bomb to wake him once he's asleep so it doesn't matter how many times a night I get up. You'd think with 3 children he'd be a lighter sleeper but no - if the kids wake up in the night the first person they come to is me so he always gets to sleep anyway :shakehead: :shakehead:

Think I might start nudging him every time i have to pee in the middle of the night :lol: :lol:
we have done , well him or me go on couch , he had a cold thing and was sneezing , sniffing so went on sofa for 4 nights , i must admit i slept a bit better without him there as i could roll over instead of trying to turn on the spot ! last night he was fidigty and breathing heavy , wish he'd been on the sofa again :rotfl:
We're still sharing... but DH refuses to move to the sofa even if I am snoring or moving about too much... he just complains about it the next day... So I've taken to sleeping on the sofa occasionally...

It works out quite well when my heart burn is at its worst because it's easier for me to sit propped up and supported without all the pillows falling away... but because the sofa is a tad on the short side, I get the most awful cramps in my legs.. six and two threes really... :roll:
we're still in together but only because a flippin earthquake wouldnt wake him, and our bed is massive so I can have my little pillow nest and he still has enough room to move....
I hate sleeping on my own but DH hasnt mentioned yet that he minds the lack of sleep so - so far so good
its nice to know we are not the only ones.. tbh, its not the end of the world, i'm just used to him being there...not long now
We are still hsaring but i'm not sure for how much longer ... i need too much room and snore when i'm pregnant, apparently really loudly, i dont normally though, weird!!! :think:
I love sleeping on my own :D If OH comes back to live with me Im having the bed and he can have the double sofa bed next to me. I NEED the space, I sleep like a starfish shape :rotfl: now Im a pregnant starfish which is much more space consuming. Unless we get a Super kingsize bed there's no chance he's getting back in with me! :shakehead:

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