Sensitivity of tests?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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How do you find out the sensitivity of tests? The one I tested with today was a Boots own brand one and nowhere on the leaflet or box can I find how sensitive it is. I really think I am pregnant as my AF hasn't arrived today and I am very regular (haven't gone beyond 27days except when I was pregnant with Ellie). I am of course going to test again tomorrow morning but if I get another BFN which is very likely so soon after one this afternoon I was thinking of making sure I go and buy a higher sensitivity test tomorrow lunchtime.

I have found that some tests have it in small writing on the instructions whether it is 10miu or 25miu etc. Maybe have a look on the boots website it might say something on there :think:

If you tested this afternoon then maybe the hormone was not strong enough for the test to pick up. If you can try and test with FMU as it is more likely to be picked up.

Good Luck :pray: :hug:
Hi Nicky x. I thought they were all the same. I dont think any are more sensitive then any other.
Fingers and toes are crossed you just tested a little early :pray:
Found one site which says "Boots (U.K.) detects 50 mIU "

Now am I right that the lower the number the greater the sensitivity? In which case thats pretty naff isn't it?

And thanks for that I kept thinking FMU was some sort of test you could use :rotfl:
Hi A&J x
I didn't think tests were any different. Do you have any ideas which ones are the best?

Also, you could take the 1st morning wee to a chemist to test it. Hopefully thiers would show up better!
I didn't know that about chemists, do they all do that?

When I was PG with Ellie I tested with FMU the morning after I missed my period and had a clear positive. However that was with a First Response one that said you could test upto 5 days early. The boots one says you can test "anytime of day from the day your period is due" and I bought this to stop the temptation for testing early. I thought that as the claimed reliability was the same (99% from day period is due), that I would just go with the cheaper one. However it is still possible that I am not PG I just am starting to really think I am... dangerous that.
Nicky_Jones said:
Found one site which says "Boots (U.K.) detects 50 mIU "

Now am I right that the lower the number the greater the sensitivity? In which case thats pretty naff isn't it?

And thanks for that I kept thinking FMU was some sort of test you could use :rotfl:

Yes you are correct the lower the number the more sensitive they are I always use 10miu :) :hug:

Donna's here said:
Hi A&J x

I didn't think tests were any different. Do you have any ideas which ones are the best?
Also, you could take the 1st morning wee to a chemist to test it. Hopefully thiers would show up better!

Yes tests have different sensitivity! The lower the number the earlier they will/should show up BFP. I am a POAS addict so buy cheap ones online, (access diagnostics manly) so my addiction is not as expensive :lol: Homebargains, tesco all sell cheap ones but I have read somewhere to be careful about ASDAS tests. :hug:
Donna's here said:
Hi A&J x

Also, you could take the 1st morning wee to a chemist to test it.


I enjoy peeing on a stick too much to do that :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lol A&J :lol:

I never really trusted home tests coz I got a BFP then got AF a fews days later, and got a BFN and a week later still no AF and was positive, so after that I always followed up with a chemist test, which I think they all do, but dont trust me on that lol.
NJ, I tested on due day (cycle 28) and got a BFN with an Ebay cheapie. Then I did another and saw the *faintest* line. They were supposed to sensitive ones.

Then I got peed off and splashed out £10 on a CB digital and got the BFP straight away. I like it cause there's no line spotting. You are, or you aren't

Good Luck!!

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