self feeding, what age


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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i was just wondering at what age did you start to let your LO have ago at feeding themselves?
i am having a dilema at the moment over high chairs and not having the space at the moment, i am thinking of getting the
Fisher-Price Newborn-To-Toddler Portable Rocker which has a feeding position.
obviously i want theo to be able to explore his food (to a certain extend) but realistically how old was your LO when you let them have the bowl on their highchair and try to feed themselves. ???
(if that makes any sence)

i am hopeing i can maybe get away with him sitting in this chair and me feeding him for a while yet!?!?!

(i want to get the Fisher-Price Newborn-To-Toddler Portable Rocker anway to replace his boucy chair) !

thank you
6 months. Mine have always sat unaided in their chairs, they have had the tripp trapp and they have been great in them. Seren started self feeding at 5 1/2 months and Cally was 6 months when she started self feeding/decorating the floor/feeding the cats
From when we started weaning at 5 1/2 months. Sat in his highchair and we were away.

He's always fed himself, sometimes we used to hold solid food for him to take from us and we used to load the spoon and he'd grab it and put it in his mouth (or more often miss :lol: ) but now he pretty much does it all himself. His aim is getting much better with the spoon but sometimes he does like to slam it on the tray or fling it across the room :lol: All his meals and finger foods he does himself.

I think that around 6-8 months is a great age to let them start feeding themselves rather than trying to feed them from a spoon or control what they are doing. They are usually ready to, and yes its messy for a few weeks but they soon get the hang of it. Otherwise I've found they can possibly get too reliant on someone feeding them or become anti spoon and not want someone to feed them (years of nannying and weaning other peoples children on purees and then moving onto lumpy foods and solids).

Mind you, finger foods can be hit and miss also. Some babies like picking up finger foods, others don't really show any interest till older.
6 months for us too :)

If I didn't have the space for a highchair and I had a chair with a feeding position (which I assume means it is properly upright, not lying back at all) I would put a towel or muslin over the chair and give easy to hoover up finger foods - pitta bread toasted with cheese and carrots, brocolli, green beans, rice cakes. If the chair didn't sit upright I would sit her on my knee to eat.
Maia was 6 months when she was feeding herself finger foods and also when she was taking a loaded spoon. We are following BLW which is very messy indeed and I noticed you had posted earlier wanting to know about BLW. If you are planning to go down this route then I would have a look at the chair/rocker and make sure it is wipe clean and also does it have a tray or can you use it pushed up against a table where your LO can reach his food easily?

There is so much mess with BLW im glad we have something that is wipe clean and all I have to do is remove the tray and wash it down.
yep 6mths for us too. Its worked quite well because now she pretty much feeds herself (everything bar yoghurt that is - not quite there yet!)
Almost 11 months for us! I have just started to give Ja a loaded spoon which he will take from me and put in his mouth :) If I give him the bowl of food he just plays with it and doesn't eat a thing :roll: I personally don't think there is any rush for a baby to feed him/herself, after all they grow up too fast anyway! :( Well done to all the clever babies who do though :clap:
I've been encourage harrison to feed himself but he just cries and has done for about 2 months :( he will hold the spoon but thats it

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