Bottle feeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I am thinking that we may have to start expressing milk an feeding Riven by bottle, I am so sore and it makes my toes curl when he latches n at the moment.

My question is how does this work, do I just fill the bottle as much as possible and let him take as much as he wants? Or will we end up combi feeding?

We have a weigh in tommorrow so I will ask then but I wanted your views as well

Thanks in advance :)

Have you tried a nipple shield? These saved my life while my nipple healed x
Yes express as much as you can and let him take the lead. It's difficult to know - would be handy omit boobs had a measuring gauge eh??;) xx
Though I wouldn't give up on the bf unless you actually want to, mine was sooooo sore for the first week, after that it was great x
Are you sure you haven't got thrush? I had thrush for 3 weeks before passing it to lo, I had super sore nips, that were red and feeds were so painful!!!
i gave her bottles cos she wasnt feeding properly at 4 days old and tho it helped it also led to her getting really lazy and not wanting to suckle to get the hind milk, this is the main reason we now combi feed. i got thrush and had it for 2 months and had to repeatedly go the docs for cream and pills and it was like being stabbed when i fed her, her latch was bad at first but due to the thrush it was hard to tell and my nips were wrecked and bleeding lol. its all good now but be aware if you do give a bottle it may go the same for you.

get checked for thrush, and at his age id say about 4 oz should be enough for him as their lil tummies cat fit too much in yet
Have you tried a nipple shield? These saved my life while my nipple healed x

I'd give these ago first. Expressing to keep up with feeds is hard work. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
yeah try the sheilds, you can get the right sized medela ones on amazon, not too expensive. i think lorna can tell you how to measure lol as she used the shields more than anyone else if i remember right?

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