I had my 28 week MW appointment today and the good news is.....................
she gave me the thumbs up for my homebirth
she was really supportive and told me everything I asked her ans even said how much she liked home births and how she's hoping she's on call when I go into labour so she can attend
I was sooooo pleased. I went in there with my arguments ready in case she tried to talk me out of it and instead she was actually saying I'd made the best choice!!
It's all dependant on nothing going off track between now and when the baby gets here but it's a start.
On the downside though....she felt bean and her first response was 'well you've got a lot of baby in there' followed by a measurement that put me at 31 weeks!!!
My baby is a big fat biffa!!
she gave me the thumbs up for my homebirth

she was really supportive and told me everything I asked her ans even said how much she liked home births and how she's hoping she's on call when I go into labour so she can attend

It's all dependant on nothing going off track between now and when the baby gets here but it's a start.
On the downside though....she felt bean and her first response was 'well you've got a lot of baby in there' followed by a measurement that put me at 31 weeks!!!

My baby is a big fat biffa!!