Seen my MW today...... good news


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I had my 28 week MW appointment today and the good news is.....................

she gave me the thumbs up for my homebirth :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

she was really supportive and told me everything I asked her ans even said how much she liked home births and how she's hoping she's on call when I go into labour so she can attend :shock: I was sooooo pleased. I went in there with my arguments ready in case she tried to talk me out of it and instead she was actually saying I'd made the best choice!!

It's all dependant on nothing going off track between now and when the baby gets here but it's a start.

On the downside though....she felt bean and her first response was 'well you've got a lot of baby in there' followed by a measurement that put me at 31 weeks!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

My baby is a big fat biffa!!
Great news Chrissy :cheer:

Bah they can never accurately tell the size of a baby, I bet yours is spot on and she just measured wrong ;)
Ooh that's GREAT news about your homebirth! I bet you are so pleased!! She sounds great and hopefully you'll get her when you go into labour! :pray:

Mildly's right, some babies measure bigger than others at various points during the last trimester. It has no indication on when baby will arrive :D My measurements have been all over the place! Sometimes spot on, sometimes ahead! Don't worry about that :hug:
Brill News! Congrats!! :cheer: :cheer:

It must make such a difference to have a supportive MW!! Mine is a right old moo!!

Don't worry about biffa baby, I'm measuring 33 weeks...... I'm sure babies are the right size for our bodies and they speed up growth one week and slow down the next.....

Also the lady who knows all about it is Sherlock, you should find her on the Ask a Mum board if you have any worries, she had a great homebirth (Her story is attached to her profile) and a pretty big bubba at 9 ponds something as far as I remember! :shock:

C xxx
Aww thats great Chrissy, im glad she was really supportive of your home birth :) x
That's great news Chrissie! Great to hear the midwife was so supportive! :cheer:

Sarah x
Cleo100 said:
Also the lady who knows all about it is Sherlock, you should find her on the Ask a Mum board if you have any worries, she had a great homebirth (Her story is attached to her profile) and a pretty big bubba at 9 ponds something as far as I remember! :shock:

Cor my name gets bandied about alot :lol: Good its about something worthwhile :P

And yup, that was me, homebirth all the way and with a biff baby to boot. 9lb 15ozs, so nearly in the 10lb club :rotfl:

I only ever measured one week ahead since 24 weeks and was told from 34 weeks onwards my baby was a whopper. Never worried me in the least as I knew they could be out by 25% either way. As it was LO was big but I was fine delivering him naturally and had a great labour and a 34 minute second stage :shock: Super quick!

Great news for you Chrissy :) Now you can get sorted for all your homebirth stuff and have it all to look forward to :)
Thanks ladies and thanks for the advice in PM's Sherlock. I can't wait now and DH is really looking forward to it too, I'm sure I'll be calling on your advice again before the baby gets here

I'm not too worried about the size..... my mum says she was told all along that I was going to be huge and even thought I was 8lb 9oz she was carrying loads of water so it wasn't as bad as they thought. It just looks funny on my chart to see the cross so high above the line.

:hug: :hug:
That's great news Chrissy! I have a tiny bump but was still measuring a week and a half ahead so not sure what that is about?!! :shock:

I would love a home birth but OH is not that keen. Also baby is breech at the moment so he better think about turning soon!! Glad you have a lovely MW

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