Seeing the physio today!


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I am sitting at my desk fidgeting away because I'm so uncomfortable, but in less than two hours I will be seeing the physio about my SPD and sacroiliac problems! :D I'm excited that they may be able to help but I'm also really scared they will tell me I need bed rest! :(
I really hope the Physio is good to you and manages to help you with your pain.
In extreme cases they say bed rest, when i saw mine she was really really good and she said they want to try and keep you mobile in your pregnancy for as long as possible, or until the pain reaches unbearable.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have a good physio session, and let us know what she says.
Good luck today Moss! :cheer: Hope they can sort out that SPD of yours :hug: xxx
Hi, thanks and I'm back! It was a good appointment! They didn't tell me that I need to get away from my desk job (PHEW) and they didn't discourage homebirth or anything like that. I wasn't even told to wear a maternity belt or anything like that, which in my hot office is GREAT news. She realigned some bits of my pelvis (really sore) and gave me exercises, told me I should go to the pool more often and recommended a lumbar roll for sitting. I'm using one now. It's very strange and I feel bad for the people in my office because I think I will be fidgeting a lot for a while.
moss said:
Hi, thanks and I'm back! It was a good appointment! They didn't tell me that I need to get away from my desk job (PHEW) and they didn't discourage homebirth or anything like that. I wasn't even told to wear a maternity belt or anything like that, which in my hot office is GREAT news. She realigned some bits of my pelvis (really sore) and gave me exercises, told me I should go to the pool more often and recommended a lumbar roll for sitting. I'm using one now. It's very strange and I feel bad for the people in my office because I think I will be fidgeting a lot for a while.

Dont worry about people in your office!
The ones who are nice enough to worry about will understand!
I hope it works for you :)

Kneeling over my birth ball and rocking my hips often gives a little relief.
:cheer: Glad you had a good appointment and all went well, lets hope them exercises help you loads.
Glad all went well. Hope what they have suggested helps with the pain :hug: xx
happy to hear your appoinment went well :D and dont worry bout your work mates to much you need to be comfortable and im sure they will understand

sarah :hug: :wave:
I just wanted to add something. If anyone else is having problems with their pelvis or lower back, make sure you refer yourself or get referred by your midwife to the obstetric physiotherapist! Yesterday mine realigned my pelvis and while this won't necessarily stay in place even if I do my exercises, the relief it has brought me is amazing! I'm not in perfect condition still, but I slept better last night than I have in weeks and I didn't limp home or into work!

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