Second tri roll call

Hi my names Lisa, Im 33 and live in Shropshire

We are team PINK

Been here about 5 weeks so still got over 7 weeks to go!

Feeling pretty good at the mo, and just starting to feel LO's kicks from the outside, so very exciting!! My son cant make it out, its very funny
Name: siany

Team: Green by choice

Time left: 6weeks 3 days

And anything else you feel like sharing: I have my 20 week scan on Wednesday at 10am and then I am flying to Bali on holiday at 7pm :cheer: .... can't wait
Name: Angie


Team: green until 21st april!( 25 days to go! ) :cheer:

been here about 4 weeks so still ages in here left!

Feeling sick constantly and got a nice bump forming! :roll:
name : Lisa

age: 28

Team green but undecided weather to change yet!! also would need to convince hubby!

Been in 2nd tri for nearly 5 weeks but havent been on forum much recently!

anything else: just wondering why since ive got a bump my little boy has decided to use it as a crash mat!!! and I just cant stop eating tonight.

Name Lucie
Team Not sure yet, but feeling pink...will find out on 14th April

How long been here ooh 6 weeks already! Leaving in 7 weeks :shock:

And anything else you feel like sharing: I'm parping like a trooper tonight :oops: :oops:
Name: Sam

team blue/ pink or green: too early to tell but will hopefully find out at 20wks

and either how long you have been here (for our new arrivals) or how long until you leave (for those of us later on). Just arrived, Newbie alert!

And anything else you feel like sharing...Oooh let me think,,,I already have an 8 year old son but feel like Im doing it for the first time!
So how about

Name Miss Monroe!

team: green for 5 more days, then we will know!

ill be leaving here in 5 weeks, god that sounds scary!

i love this place it has been a real support, so i dont feel like the only pregnant person in the world! :D
My name's Nicky
I live in North Hampshire
I don't know which team yet, I can't wait until I can find out
I've been here for, three weeks? My baby brain is officially here... see four weeks. Oh my god.

Anything else I;d like to share? Defo the baby brain thing, I am so forgetful now... already. I didn't think this would happen for ages.
Name: Dannii
DOB: 25.09.1987 (20 yrs old)
Team: Green ATM (but am hoping to find out the sex on 10th April!)
Time left: 8 weeks and 2 days ( :shock: Bloody hell... Can't wait that long!)
Recent events: Hmmm, nothing much to report!
Recent worries: Parenthood
Looking forward too: Normal hormones!
Dreading: Labour :wall: Is there no way of baby just "arriving"? How do I go about hiring the stork? :think:
Name: Chelle
Age: 25
Team: Hoping to find out at 20 week scan on 6th May
Time left in Tri 2: I'm just in tri 2 so about 11 weeks to go I think :think:
Looking forward too: Decorating the nursery and picking out all the baby stuff
Dreading: Another 6 months of feeling like poo. I'm still waiting to bloom :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Name: Lucy, aged 34

Team: green

How long before I leave: Exactly a week, am 26 weeks today!

Anything else you feel like sharing: Have two beautiful girlies already, am absolutely dreading giving birth but really looking forward to meeting Lo, really must go to bed as it is far too late and my back is killing me!!!
Hello :D
I'm : Becky
TEAM BLUE! ! ! ! ! :dance:
I have: 4weeks*5days left in 2nd Tri

i cant wait to meet our little man! hehe however i am terrified of giving birth

Name- Alex

Age- 21

Team- Green

Location- South West London/ Middlesex

How long left- 2 weeks :shock:

Anyfink else- I can't stop eating rubbish, I've just bought two big bags of mini eggs that were reduced in tesco and am well on my way to polishing them off.

Name - Claire
Age - 24
Location - Preston
Team - Green at the moment, maybe find out at dating scan this coming Friday
When did you join - been here nearly a week now

Looking forward to - labour!!! i have easy labours and smallish babies, thinking this one will sneeze out!
Hello :wave:

Name: Lucy
Team: Pink :cheer:
Didn't join second tri til 15 wks as I didn't have my dating scan til then and I wanted to be sure before moving up. I guess I now have 6 weeks left here.

I am getting more and more excited as I progress. But - I have suddenly realised that labour will have to be a part of the process :shock:

I love baby shoes....I haven't bought any yet but have the feeling that once I start I'll not stop.
Name: Sydneysmum
Age: 33
Location: Hampshire
Team: Pink!

Just about to help myself to a bowl of homemade leek & potato soup bigger than my head.

Being a bit of a Windy Miller today :oops: (for those of you old enough to remember Camberwick Green)

Looking forward to: breastfeeding (loved it last time!)
Name - Sal
Age - 27
Location - London
Team - Green at the moment but finding out on the 16 may scan
When did you join -Today

Brooke, team green and here for another five weeks.

And hmm... I found an amazing baby shop today, but the clothes are Catimini so I want to win the lottery now!
Name : MissKeza :wave:

team blue/ pink or green : Green... want it to be a surprise!

how long you have been here : Joined when i was about 6 weeks, i'm now 16w/4d

anything else you feel like sharing : Hubby & i are off for two sunny weeks in Egypt on Thursday....WOO HOO!! :dance: 8)

I'm Becky, I've got about 6 weeks of 2nd tri left - which is when I will start to get REALLY scared.

I live in Devon with OH & 2 demanding cats.

I am also chuffed as I finally look pregnant and not just like I ate too many pies!!!!

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