Second time mummies...


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
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I have spent the last few weeks worrying about how I am going to feel once baby number two comes, will I love him as much as my first? What if I dont? My emotions have been so high, I have been crying all day! I'm hoping it's just crazy hormones! My hubby is so supportive and keeps telling me it's normal... I have read 2nd time mums feel like this but just need some reassurance! My daughter is so excited to have a little brother, I know once I see him all these crazy thoughts will just disappear! :wall2:
I feel like this sometimes hun, I even said to my mum the other day what if I don't love this one as much n she said u will don't worry about that. N she had three!! I feel guilty that Harry's world is guna change so quick n how he is guna feel(he will only b 19months) n then feel guilty that I'm bot concentrating on bump much. But I think that's totally normal n I'm sure when they r here m in our arms it will all fall into place.

Totally the same! I am excited to meet baby, but at the same time we are such a happy family already I am nervous that everything is going to change! belle is 3 and a half and can't wait to meet her baby sister. She loves babies and as I have been childminding since she was 1 she is used to sharing me and her home... However it still all runs through my mind! At the minute I can't imagine loving another child as much, because I never have, but I know I wil, and you will too I am sure xx
2 friends have told me completely separate accounts of having a second

One said they didn't find a bond with 2ns straight away and it took a few days to feel like they did with first born

My other friend said the emotions and love were the same for both

I think it's a wait and see and totally normal to be anxious about 2nd baby x
I've just had my 2nd 11 days ago and can honestly say your heart doubles in size!
I had previously worried like you and it was for nothing! My lb is completely besotted by his lb which makes it all the more special! Xx
My second has turned 1 today and I came back on to read my birth story and reminisce! Honestly dont worry! I've had PND for the second time and I have still managed to bond and love my second son just as much as my first! Don't pressure yourself- the love will be there! 'A mothers love is whole no matter how many times divided'. You will be fine lovely! Best of luck xxxx

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