Second sweep down...


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Right, so back from my second sweep from the midwife. It was a differnt woman this time, not my normal midwife but she was lovely so its ok :)

She said exactly the same as the other midwife...she cannot understand why this baby isn't here yet!! Shes in a perfect position, all healthy and happy. She could barely feel the head because she's so far down.

She then went on to do the sweep and Im not between 1-2cm (last time I was just under 1cm), she said its all soft and favourable, and nice and stretchy!

One thing she did say though, was that I have a narrow pubic arch, but she didnt really explain what that meant. She said Id need a few good contractions to help her get round before things will kick off I think. Ive googled it, but decided to stop because lots of people say theyve ended up with c-sections. So Im going to stop looking and keep bouncing on my ball and get this baby out :D

But...just in the interest of curiousity...anyone been told they have a narrow pubic arch?
Hehe - yeah i'd stay off google. Pregnant womans worst nightmare are search engines! ;)

Glad to here baby's all ready to go - just a shame she's not getting a wriggle on! Never heard of a narrow pubic arch so cant help you out on that one i'm afraid.

Really hope she makes an appearance for you soon hunni :) x
hope its soon for u mel. bet ur getting do frustrated by now. xx
Hope the sweep works for you! I've never heard of a narrow pubic arch, but defo don't go back on google!xx
Its mentioned in my Ina May book. Shes furious with the whole thing! lol

Says that your pelvis is made up of 4 bones with cartiledge holding it in place, when youre pregnant your hormones make your cartiladge soften and your pelvis becomes flexible. they used to book in c-sections if they thought you had a small pelvis. But they dont tend to anymore cos they realised pelvis size doesnt really have much to do with anything.

I did a bit or research with my baby's head not engaging and midwife asking about my height etc.. and basically they used to scan pelvis size to babys head size if they werent engaged. But they basically found it didnt really make a difference so they dont bother anymore. :yay:
good to hear melio hopefully not long now bet your getting really frustrated now i know i would be xxx
Feeling a bit better now thanks tiny :) I was trying to find a nice positive story. Its been mentioned twice in my notes now, and because I knew nothing about it I just thought, well, if its worth mentioning in my notes, should I not be told more about it? But wasnt really thinking at the time and so didnt ask! Silly.

Im getting a little fed up now, but more with other people. I dont mind that shes taking her time, but I wish people would stop asking me when its going to happen! My mum each night will say 'is it going to be i need to do my hair?' which I know is a joke, but Im fed up, just let me be! (Ive been positive until now...Im allowed to be hormonal lol :blush:)
I know how you feel hun - i'm getting people asking if baby's here yet and i've still two weeks to go! I'll be tearing my hair out soon! lol
I know this might sound silly. But Ive been getting back ache on and off since my appointment (it actually started a teenie bit in the appointment) but its not in any pattern. Ive also been feeling like things are tighter or like its more pressure at the bottom of my bump, and then at the sides I cant tell if its baby moving, or whether its tightening up :???:

How do you know whether its just your body being silly...or the possiblity of something happening? Ive been bouncing on my ball since getting back but now having a break and sat on the sofa but still swaying front to back and side to side.

Bet my bodies just going crazy *humph*
hope these signs are good ones for you Mel!

Ive started to get a bit annoyed with people now. I went on fb chat today and 2 people actually started convos; "anything happening yet?" as if Im gonna be like "yeah Im in labour right now and thought Id just check my emails and pop on for a chat, see whos online" :wall:

One girl I was chatting to, and went to make a cup of tea and when I came back she had msged me like 5 times and when I replied that Id just put the kettle on she replied "oh thank god for that, I thought baby was coming and you were on your own" :wall: OMG people are so stupid. I was like, it doesnt happen that quickly, Ill have plenty of notice, and I might well go into labour when Im home alone but Ill be perfectly capable of ringing OH to tell him, and wait for him to come home, and even then we'll be hanging around for hours!
Well done on your research Tiny - pelvis size doesn't matter and your bod wouldn't make a baby that you couldn't birth! Good luck lets hope sweep today has done the trick x
Hmmm no more news????? Maybe my prediction :toonlass: ..........
Oooo I hope I was one of the predictions lol. Still gettting tightenings. Ive started timing them and the last 3 were around 10 minutes apart. Still all good and bearable, just really hoping it turns into something now. I made my mum take me for a walk cause I wanted to try spur things on a bit lol.

Its mainly in my belly but occasionally the pain will move to my back as well. If this is my body playing tricks on me Ill be so disappointed lol x
I predicted you would go into labour today chick. Those tightnings must be early labour coz I said so lol xx
Haha, well if theyre not Im going to be blaming you for getting my hopes up!
Right Im off to bed and crossing my fingers that the pain gest worse. :pray: I dont think Ill ever want to say that again, but right now....Im praying for the pain. Back in the morning! :)
:yay: sounds good Mel, hope youve had a good night. Dont forget to keep us updated!

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