Sealed envelope!


Feb 19, 2008
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Hi I'm new to posting but not to the site. I'm 26 weeks tomorrow and last week we had a private second scan (I'm in Scotland so we don't get a second scan as routine). We didn't want to know what team we were in, but the consultant put the details in a sealed envelope and gave it to us! It's still unopened in a drawer at home, and we've agreed we won't open it. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else, or if it had, what you would do in the situation!

Im probably not much help but i'd have openned the envelope by now!!! I couldnt have it sat there and not know.
If you really dont want to know then be strong, but i guess either way you should talk to you OH first cos he might be upset if you read it and he didnt want you to know
Wow! If I was in your position I would've steamed open the envelope, had a peek, stuck it back down again and then felt really guilty before finally confessing to my dh because it would make me feel sick deceiving him! (All this would've taken place when we'd just got home and he was in the loo!) I'm so useless at things like that though!
We chose not to find out with our 1st Son. We asked the sonographer to seal it in an envelope.
I couldnt cope, but luckily DH is far more restrained so he hid the envelope from me.
We had figured out I was carrying a Boy, so we opened the envelope about 4 weeks later on New Years day. and yep, it was a boy! :D
Oh my gosh, I would have opened the envelope too you are far more restrained than me!! I admire you for not having a peep :D

WOW! you're doing so well! Can you give the envelope to someone else to help you resist tempation?
I heard of someone revealing it at a baby shower they had... which sounded like a cool idea. I couldn't bare not knowing though. Lol
If you don't want to know I'd burn it so its gone totally. That way you can stop wondering. I think you've done really well to resisit. Keep your surprise just that :D

I think its nice they did that though, as I suppose people change their mind after the event.
I agree with Sherlock, I would find it too tempting just sitting there in the drawer... calling to me! :D
Even though i'm staying team green, I don't think I could resist that kind of temptation. It's like today I came out of mama's and papa's and if I would have had that envelope I would have opened it because I was desperate to buy a pink or blue outfit! I really want to stay team green, but some days i'm overwhelmed with knowing my baby's sex! Destroy that envelope if you want to stay team green I say! xxx
Noooo, I don't think I could resist that temptation either....even though this is my third baby and I have stayed green with all three of them......
I would literally be tearing my hair out. It is kinda cruel putting the results in an envelope though. I know that people do tend to change their minds but to have such temptation there. I would give in.
Well we still haven't opened it! To be honest I don't think we will now, the temptation has gone and we're now keeping it just to check if the consultant was right! I think as this is our first, we are just more concerned about everything being okay, I'm sure with a second or third the envelope would be open by now! x
xjoann, my Mum also thought it was cruel of the consultant to do what he did, especially when we had told him unfront that we didn't want to know. He seemed very sure that he knew what we would do once we'd left, but I guess we've proved him far! :)
Stay Team Green then!! I gotta say though, I do admire you. I have no self control over things like that. I would have tore into it the second I left the office! :lol:
I have no self control Id have opened that envelope in the car on way home! :rotfl: I would love to stay team green and have a suprise on one hand but on the other the suspence is killing me already and I can't wait til 20 week scan just to find out!

If I was in your position and really didn't want to know I would give envelope to some one I trusted not to open it so temptation wasn't there all the time but could still check he was right my problem would be my family are worse then me wanting to know sex so couldn't think of any one I could give it too and be 100% sure they could resist opening it but then guess thats where I get my lack of will power from!! :rotfl:
OMG I can't believe you've waited! I've got to hand it to you, you're will power is bloody amazing!

I would have opened it the second he gave it to me lol x

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