Sciatica and paracetamol? Help please =o)


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Okay been a good couple weeks now and babes still randomly pressing on my sciatic nerve most of the time its okay it just hurts but I can walk through it but sometimes gets really painful just to move my right leg or feels like my leg will just give in if I try to carry on. I got some paracetamol today but I don't know whether to take them, when I feel the pain then I know to take it easy but If I take it then I wont know if its still hurting and might carry on as normal would that cause me trouble in the future do you think? :think:

Thanks xx
Oooh tough one, I've never had sciatica so am not sure what that's like. I haven't taken anything when my PGP/SPD has been bad as I don't want to damage things further either.

It might be worth talking to your midwife or GP before taking anything! Just think - it is probably great training for childbirth lol ;)
:D Its not really a pain that worries me too much it hurts quite a but and it can be hard to walk but at least when I can feel it it forces me to walk like a duck like type creature instead of rushing like normal!
I don't really have any advice but just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've never had it myself but I know it can be painful. I'd do what Mildly said and talk to your M/W or doctor. Hope you feel better soon :hug:
sciatica is a very common problem for pregnant women and atheletes. I've had it, funnily enough very early on and one day it was VERY excruciating to the pain where I couldnt move from the sofa...

Unfortunatly paracetamol did nothing for me, Ijust had to ride it out... I suggest a hot (obviously not whopping hot) bath to relief the pain it will die down when young Pip moves about again...

Baby Hay is lying on another nerve so now im getting a shooting pain in my inner thigh. It does go hon, it its unbearable just do what you think is best ie walk around or stay puit...

P.s i use to get it when I stayed in one position for too long, so maybe try some hula hopp motions if that makes sense..

I had Sciatica at the end of my pregnancy and the midwife told me that when the pain was bad I should take a paracetamol or two but keep an eye on how many I take.. ie don't overdo them. There isn't anything else you can do but as Sharne said, hot baths can help. I wouldn't worry about damaging the nerve or whatever by numbing the pain with paracetamol - there's nothing you can do about the nerve and it's not damaged it's just that baby is lying in the way of it.

Sorry to say but I do *very occasionally* still get it now. Though immediately after the birth it did go but don't expect it to never come back.

If you are in more pain than a hot bath can fix, call the doctor/nhs direct/midwife/labour unit or whatever and I reckon they would say that paracetamol is ok. I don't know what the difference is between paracetamol and asparin, but asparin works better on mine when I get it now, but I don't know if you are allowed asparin while pregnant xx
:) Yeh still there hehe but its okay nothing unbearable I think I'll just leave it to take its course and just hobble around for a few weeks. Its a bugger thinking it could always be there but I think it was sometimes there before I got pregnant because the first time I felt it I recognized the pain but it was never enough to make me stop what ever I was doing. Oh well :) Ill only take paracetamol if it really is sore or I have to go somewhere that hobbling isnt advised lol!
u poor love, its not nice at all and makes u walk like u'v had serious bum action... :rotfl: not good really..

I found icing, baths, and crouching on all fours and kind of spreading ur arms and legs really helpful...

:hug: hbave these buddy
Steelgoddess said:
u poor love, its not nice at all and makes u walk like u'v had serious bum action... :rotfl: not good really..

crouching on all fours and kind of spreading ur arms and legs really helpful...

Haahaa I would get serious bum action if I did that LOL least I would have a excuse!

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