sciatica and missed folic acid


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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hi all,
when i was younger i had sciatica but it soon calmed down after physio and i havent had it for years now.
but this last week ive had it quite bad, where the pain starts in my lower back (buttocks) and shoots down my left thigh. its quite bad in bed and hurts when i turn over.

ive heard about heavily pregnant women getting sciatica because the baby is pressing on a nerve... but im only 8 weeks so that cant be the reason can it? has anyone else had this early on?

also, whhen i went on holiday last week, i forgot my pregnacare and couldnt buy any until the next day... will my baby hate me for missing it? lol
cant help feeling guilty!!! :wall:
i have sciatica a lot. i find being on all fours a greeat help and rocking gently to and fro. it helps slip the disc back on.
I'm sure missing the vitamins for 1 day will be fine.

No advice on the pain though- hope it gets better soon :hug:
Yeah sciatica can occur at any time in pregnancy if something is resting on the scaitic nerve, ive had pains exactly like sciatica and my MW thinks that something may be resting on the nerve as ive never had it before.

She advised me to use towels/cushions behind me to get comfy.
I don't take supplements and never have during pregnancy if you eat a really good well balanced diet free from processed foods you should not need to. These vitamins are man made and are not absorbed by your body easily at all. Your body is used to getting its nutrients from food...not man made chemicals in the form of vitamins so does not recognise them. Good vitamins are made directly from a food source that is naturally high in that particular vitamin. And are only available in health food shops or from will see the quality difference reflected in the price. I eat about 10 portions of organic fruit and veg a day and lots of wholefoods...thats what i recommend...i'm am currently studying a bsc (hons) in i do know what i'm waffling on about :D
:hug: but i'm sure all will be well.
:hug: shame you have pain sweetheart :hug: I am sure all will be fine and you can get advice form your GP later in pregnancy if it becomes a problem...
As for missing one day of folic acid.....please don't worry, As you know most of the good work folic acid does is in the first 9 reduces the risks of spinabiffida by up to 75%..and well you have been doing your very best, so one wee day won't make a difference.
Also remember like natural mum say's, our bodies get the goodness and vitamins it needs from a well balanced diet, which i am sure you have so the vitamins will just be an extra...
For example...did you know eating one bowl of rice crispies of cornflakes every day gives you your daily recommended amount of iron?? :think: :dance: good eh! !

Eating healthy will serve you with so many positives..but it's REALLY knowing whats a healthy Balance that matters...
Congratulations on your pregnancy :clap:
Lv Yvonne xx

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