Scary words and bleeding ~ not always bad news


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I just wanted to post this because at 5weeks 4days we got a terrible shock when I started bleeding and having painful stomach cramps. The blood was bright red, and it happened straight after having penetrative sex with my partner (sorry to be so detailed but want to be clear on events/symptons :) ).

Anyway, we went to the doctors immediately to be told it was probably a threatened miscarriage, ( a threatened miscarriage is apparently the term used for unexplained bleeding, which I think is crazy, the amount of fear that word brought us ), so a scan would be needed to confirm, we then had to wait until the NEXT day for the scan. Must say that was the longest, scariest night I've ever had.

At the scan, I saw a black circle on the monitor, and immediately thought I had had a miscarriage, but the nurse said there's your baby, there's the heartbeat, and there it was, a smudge and a flicker, and the biggest relief!!

After the scan I continued to have dark brown glue like bleeding/discharge for about 2 weeks, but I am now 9 weeks pregnant and certainly feel pregnant, so hope all is well.

My midwife also told us not to have penetrative sex until I am 14 weeks so even though having to give up smoking, drinking and full sex, I am hanging in there :lol:

So, if you do bleed, and hear the scary word miscarriage, it does not always mean something bad has happened, and I hope no-one has to go through a long scary night like that too!!
Thanks for sharing that, I had a very similar experience last week and it also turned out okay...

As alot of you know I started bleeding dark red blood and assumed the worst, got myself into a right state. I rang NHS direct who told me to see the doctor the next day.

After a very long (and sleepless) night we went to see the doctor. In the waiting room I had the most awful cramps and thought I was going to lose my baby there and then.

We actually got up to go to A&E instead cos we'd been waiting over half an hour. As we stood up my name got called so we went in and the doctor listened to us, examined me and said it was a threatened miscarriage.

He booked us in for a scan the next day and sent us home. By this time I thought it was all over so I just got on with things in between crying.

The next morning I woke up feeling really positive and I tried not to cos I knew if it was bad news it'd hurt twice as much. Anyway, we had the scan and saw the babys heartbeat and were told everything was fine.

We did see what caused the bleeding, a small patch of blood somewhere outside the pregnancy sac which was harmless and also quite common. Im now almost 8 weeks and every time I get a wave of nausea or feel absolutely shattered I just thank God that sometimes things can go your way :D
Hi, Ive just read your threads and feel a bit better, im 6 weeks today and had some pains in my stomach last night but just dull, aching pains and i had some blood this morning, i have a doctors appointment at 11 so fingers crossed my baby is ok
Hi jiesta, hope things go ok for you, let us know how you get on :hug:
hope everything goes ok for you hun!!
take care
:clap: :clap: lovely stuff :clap: :clap: Shame about having to give up P sex, but hey you can still have lots of fun :oops: :lol: he he he, :moon:

I am sure all will be fine jiesta, let us know how you get on :hug: Lv Yvonne xx

Im glad all is well for you , how scary that must have been wish you all the best in your pregnancy!!
Hi, well i went to the doctors who sent a fax to the epu for an urgent scan, so im waiting for an appointment from them. Thank god i've had no more bleeding just a small amount of brown discharge this evening but i do have period type pains coming and going, mainly in my thighs and low stomach but i hear that thats quite normal in early pregnancy so hopefully all should be well :pray:
Good luck! It's so scary cos we have no control over it.

I had similar over the weekend but everything appears fine - we were sent to pregnancy assessment clinic and heard heartbeat.

No idea what has caused the bleeding but doctor explained that it is very common.
I do hope everything is well jiesta :pray:
It does seem cramps and bleeding happens to many women, it's a shame I never knew that as I thought it did mean something bad had happened, great to be here to share these things :)
I had another small bleed this morning. I am booked in for another scan tomorrow. I just hope it will all be ok. :pray:
I do hope all is well at your scan tommorow. :hug:

I need to join this thread. I bled at 15 wks with my DS all was fine,normal pregnancy atfer that.

I have just been to the loo and after wipeing it looks like the end of AF, mucky :oops: Soz.

I have no pains, still have pregnancy symptoms. It just makes you feel so helpless.

I had my scan and all is well. My baby is now 8.8mm its grown so much since last week. I couldnt help but shout out in shock at how much it had grown. They took a swab to check for infection as that may be causing the bleeding and because i had diahorrea (or however you spell it), the nurse said that can cause bleeding as it irritates the uterus. Im so relieved the baby is ok, you could see its heartbeat anbd everything.

Oldermum, have you gone to the doctors to get checked out?I do hope you will be ok. :hug: x
lella said:
Oldermum, have you gone to the doctors to get checked out?I do hope you will be ok. :hug: x

Aww thanks lella, i have seen your post on my scan thread :hug:

Everything turned out ok, still made me worry though even though it happened with my DS.

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