scary night in emergency and still scared :cry:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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i went to the emergency room last night with sharp pain in my abdomen and a VERY light brown bleeding. of course i was petrified and so i went to the emergency and they did an ultrasound and saw a baby but no heartbeat, which they said can happen this early, that they may not see a heartbeat, but my hcG leverls were right where they shoud be and i have to go in tommorrow to have it checked to make sure its doubling.
im just so scared. :cry: ive been bawling for 12 hours straight...anyone else ever had this and have any explanation or advice???? :cry: :cry:
I'm sorry I don't have any advice, but I wanted to give you :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: I don't know anything about such situations but :hug: I hope everything is OK
my friend feefee ( on here ) , she had a bad bleed (red) and they couldnt find baby heartbeat at 7 ish weeks either , but she is now over 37 weeks and due to pop any minute ! so there is hope , u may be a lil behind date wise then u thought aswell , ovulating early could make you a few days behind :hug:
i would add to the other girls.. try not to worry.. i know its hard, hopefully ur levels have doubled, however if you are miscarrying unfortunatly there is no advise we can give you, as theres nothing you can do at all. i fell down the stairs at 11+5 and the dr said if u mc theres nothing we can, try n think.. hopefully its still there but if its not then it wasnt your fault nothing you did caused it. gl x
There are lots of ladies on here who have had early bleeds hun, try not to worry too much.
I've had 4 bleeds (3 of which are red) and each time they have found the heartbeat and the baby is fine. If the Dr is telling you that sometimes they don't find one them I'm absolutely sure that is correct and you shouldn't worry!

Remember everything is stretching and moving so you will get some pains. I still worry when I get them.

Let us know how you get on. I'll be thinking of you all day xxx
Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm sure everything will be fine, brown bleeds can be quite common. I hope everything's ok, good luck when you go back and have the levels tested :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have also had some brown discharge, and though not sharp pains, they were dull and period like cramps. I think you just need to try your best to stay calm, because like others have said, at this point in pregnancy, a heartbeat isn't always able to be found. :hug:
First of all please don’t worry. This is almost the same as happened to me! They could find no heartbeat after i was admitted to A&E with a tummp cramp and a brownish bleed and I was supposed to be 7and a half weeks gone….they said they could see a baby but its heart wasn’t beating.

They then left me for 10 days before I went back for a scan and their was my little baby’s heart beating away on the ultrasound when I went back.

Try not to worry and just hope that your little one hangs in there.

I am sending you lots of hugs because I remember what it was like when I was in this situation
Aww I hope everythings okay, it would be horrible and unfair for you to go through another miscarriage. But as lots as of the girlies have said it's not rare to have spotting in early pregnancy. :hug: Keep us updated, hun x
Hope everything is ok. :hug:

Let us know how you get on. xxx
If ur hormone levels are spot on then that is a good sign because if the worse was going to happen it would have dropped quickly (the hormones increase by thousands every 48 hours).

Please try to relax I know its easily said then done...
Can completely understand your anxiety but am sure everything is just fine. Try and take it easy... the hormone levels sound good and you haven't had a heavy bleed so am sure its all fine.

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