Scared to test?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Anyone else get to the stage of testing and then feel really torn between wanting to know but not wanting to see a negative?
I tested on monday and got a bfn (disappointed), had cramps but nothing else, still no af and not sure when to test again- i know it wont change it if I am not pregnant but I am really nervous about testing again and seeing yet another bfn. Am I being mental? :)
No, you're not being mental at all!! Last month I was 8 days late and didn't test until something like the 5th day...mainly cos I was scared of seeing that BFN...when I did see it I was obviously disappointed and then came on and just tried to be positive for another month trying...some people test as early as they can and some hold off until the last minute, everyone is different hun and you just have to do what feels right for you.
Good Luck!!!
im in the same boat!!! im now 3 days late and did test yesterday which was negative and now dont want to do another caus i know it will say the same :(

still no sign of af though, think our bodies play games with us when we want children its as if they know to mess you about!!! when was you due???

fingers x
Not entirely sure - my cycle has been a bit messed up (last cycle was 50days!!!). But had a possible +ve on opk day 15 so was expecting af to show up by now (day 36). Today have been feeling a little light headed and just now started having a kind of tugging sensation just behind my belly button, is this good? Otherwise I have only had cramps as a symptom, nothing else.
Think I am going to try and hold off testing for a few more days.
20 days past ov and still no AF... sounds promising, fingers crossed for you Frankie!

I tend to test way too early and way too often, but it gets it out of my head for the day even if I have a bfn. Like JarJar says, everyone is different though, do what feels best for you.
Good luck! Xx
i really dont know frankie, with my daughter i had what felt like af cramps but just didnt ever start bleeding and very tired but people experience all sorts of symptoms....guess its just wait and see time xxx good luck
I hear you Frankie! Last month I tested loads but I've learnt my lesson now and not tested at all yet. I'm now 11DPO and finding it harder to resist temptation!

SPC xx
After a bit of an emotional outburst this morning where I started crying for no real reason DH has convinced me that if I have a good night's sleep tonight (not like last night where I didnt sleep and was going for a wee every 2hrs) then I will try with FMU tomorrow. Mainly so that if I get a bfn I have a few days to sort my head out before I have to go away for 3 and a half months.
Ah good luck Frankie I really hope you get your BFP.......hugs xxxx
Thanks everyone, still getting the cramping, so still convinced that af is going to show at any moment. Feels like she's on her way at the moment-hope this passes.
Thanks, dont want to get too excited because if i'm not pregnant then I have to go away for three and a half months starting next sunday. But I need to know either way so I can get myself sorted out. So glad I joined this place just to be able to chat to all of you. DH is doing his best but doesn't really know what to say and has no experience which you guys do :)
Know what you mean Frankie....I would seriously have gone mental if I couldnt come and lean on you all for support.... DH is great and very supportive but I think he would get bored of me twining on about it all as much as I do on here with you ladies.....Ive got everything corssed for you xxx
Wishing you a HUGE BFP in the morning Frankie!! X
good luck sweetheart hope you get ur bfp! *baby dust* and no u arent mental i look at the tests with one eye cos i hate seeing a bfn!!!
Awww Frankie - everything crossed for you. Hope that BFP turns up!

SPC xx

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