scared babies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2005
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IS anyone elses baby/child scared of something funny. My son is scared of admiral insurance ad where they are in the jungle and elephant makes an elephant sound with trunk (you know what I mean). He looks at me, his bottom lip comes out and then he comes to me for a cuddle (it is sooo cute) until advert is over and then he goes of happily to play again :D

Anyone else noticed anything like this.
Brody cried when My OH let off a balloon that went squealing round the lounge. Can't say I blame him though, it made me jump too :lol:
baby budge is scared of anything thats not me. :wall:
Harrys scared of the hoover, certain ring tones on the telephone & any loud sudden noises
Harrys scared of the hoover, certain ring tones on the telephone & any loud sudden noises.

Oh and my step brother :lol: im not suprised though even i'm scared of him, he's a weirdo LOL
Paris used to be scared of car washes, had to go elsewhere for petrol :roll: - she was also scared of all men :shock:
Ellouise is probably the only baby that isnt scared of anyhting....

she laughs if she gets startled

my lil nutter:D
Brody gets scared when daddy sneezes! It IS a very loud sneeze he has! He makes me jump too!
Keeley's scared of the hoover, Boys at the mo( dunno why),her bouncing Tigger
reminds me Paris has this teddy which sang the macarena and that used to frighten her
lozzijane said:
Ellouise is probably the only baby that isnt scared of anyhting....

she laughs if she gets startled

my lil nutter:D

Thea is exactly the same! She has no fear at all.
Dior hates old people she screams if she see's my grandad :lol:
Harley hates the sounbd of me using sella tape he screams bless him
We used to have one of those plastic fishes on the plaques that move and sing 'don't worry be happy', Kieran was terrified of it when he was a toddler, he used to go mad if it went off, and wouldn't even walk past it!!
well its a little difficult when you lived surrounded by fields :rotfl:

It was seeing it - it was touching it. I caught my youngest sister one day (she was only 11) sitting him on the lawn to watch him shudder... little cow :wink:

God got her back for us by giving her a completely mad hyperactive child :twisted:
libs said:
well its a little difficult when you lived surrounded by fields :rotfl:

It was seeing it - it was touching it. I caught my youngest sister one day (she was only 11) sitting him on the lawn to watch him shudder... little cow :wink:

God got her back for us by giving her a completely mad hyperactive child :twisted:


What a wierd phobia, hehe!!!

Did he grow out of it eventually?!!!
When my niece was two or three, she was scared of our Robosapiens toy (robot thing, basically). Marc used to make it move towards her and she'd back away covering her eyes. Poor thing.

She's still scared of the dark, but no longer of the 'monsters under her bed' since her childminder talked to her about it. Apparently, she and the monsters are now friends.

She was also scared of the displays at the Yorvic museum, for some surreal reason. There wasn't anything there that we could see she'd be frightened of, but apparently something was disturbing her.

Equally, we took her to Chessington World of Adventures last year. For one particular ride/attraction she was absolutely fine until she heard other kids saying they were too scared to do it and didn't like it and then she had to copy. Grr@ other kids! (It's affected her eating habits, too. She's become a much more fussy eater since starting school).

But, most of the time, she's perfectly fine. We've yet to see what Lexie is scared of as she's only just under three months old!
frangelle said:
libs said:
well its a little difficult when you lived surrounded by fields :rotfl:

It was seeing it - it was touching it. I caught my youngest sister one day (she was only 11) sitting him on the lawn to watch him shudder... little cow :wink:

God got her back for us by giving her a completely mad hyperactive child :twisted:


What a wierd phobia, hehe!!!

Did he grow out of it eventually?!!!

yes - by the time he was a toddler. Although he still doesn't particularly like to sit on grass

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