Scared and worried....


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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...all the time at the moment. Does anyone else feel like they;re slightly obsessing about their pregnancy? All i know is i'm exhausting myself feeling so worried about m/c again, and every day seems to just crawl by. I've been so nervous this week, being in my 8th week, as i knew the risk of m/c was high again, and every time i go to the loo i still nervously check the loo paper for blood, or scour the internet for miscarriage facts. WHY CAN'T I JUST RELAX A BIT!??

It's made worse by the fact i'm not working at the moment (well, i am, but working from way too much time to think). And every twinge makes me panic. Also, my morning sickness seems to have lessened in the day (only getting it at night) so i then worry i'm not sick enough!! Then i day dream about actually having a baby, then worry i'm jinxing it all by starting to get too attached to the pregnancy.

Anyone else as mental as me at the moment? I'm seriously considering getting a private scan this week, just to try and put my mind at rest a bit. AAGGHHHH!!!
Iwas like this till 8 weeks, stop stressing!!! If something were to go wrong it would whether you were being positive or not, stress isnt going to do baby any good is it. :hug: everything will be fine
I know exactly how you feel. I've panicked through the first 12 weeks of all of my pregnancies, and it is impossible to think of anything else. This time was worse after a m/c earlier in the year. There is nothing I can say to stop you worrying I'm afraid, only that there is no reason why you shouldn't have a perfectly normal pregnancy this time. I would restrict the time you spend on the internet - I have done all that as well and it doesn't help. I had a reassurance scan at 9 weeks, which reassured me for about 5 minutes, and then started to panic again!
Just to reassure you it is perfectly normal, but there is no magic solution I have found.
All the best
:hug: :hug: :hug:
You're right...going to limit my internet time i think!

I've just booked a scan for Monday, when i should be 9 weeks. Am hoping that will reassure me (for ten minutes at least!!)
just remember, after you have seen a heart beat the chances of mc reduce dramatically, and it really helped me :D
im still like this now, im worrying everyday still, i feel asif i can't bond just yet as im scared of getting hurt again and something happening again.
i think as soon as im past 20 weeks and can feel baby move i'll relax a little bit
yep i know exactly how u feel. im only 6 weeks on friday and every day feels like a liftetime. And i check every time i go to the loo as well, dreading it in case i see something. Plus its hard not to think of anything else, this is my first so i have no idea what to expect and every twinge or cramp feels terrible. I guess we just have to try and take our minds of it to get us through those last few weeks....

The reassurance scan as really helped me- it's been nearly a week now and I feel totally different about it all. I know I'm not there yet but it was well worth it- hope it helps you too
Hi there

Yes, I've been exactly the same. I worry that becasue I havent had morning sickness is that a sign that all is not well? I worry that if I dont feel twinges one day (the period like cramping) that something is wrong? I even worry that there must be something wrong as I havent gone off coffee like everyone seems to tell me I should do !!!!!!!
For the past 2 weeks I have been absolutely knackered in the afternoon, but today I am quite wide awake, so there must be something wrong !!!! It can drive me insane!

I have just had notification of my 12 week scan, and I think until I have that, unfortunately I will continue to be the same

Im exactly the same, some days i feel really awful other days i just dont feel pregnant. Somedays i feel sick all the time then i wont feel sick the next. My boobs hardly hurt at all some days and others my nips just kill me. Anyone else like this?

Also all those ladies having early private scans, where did you book them? were they at your normal hospital? and also how much are they?

Im off on holiday in 3 weeks time and i know im gonna worry myself silly all week and not be able to enjoy it as much as if i had a private scan and knew everything was ok. You would of thought this being my fourth i would be more chilled but uh uh no sirrreee, im worse than ever :hug: :hug:
Yes I have felt exactly the same! - I think it is only now that I am starting to feel a bit more ok about things after 3 scans and reaching 12 weeks! I defo recommend a private scan though it really helped me to relax (for a week!) xx
kayzee said:
Im exactly the same, some days i feel really awful other days i just dont feel pregnant. Somedays i feel sick all the time then i wont feel sick the next. My boobs hardly hurt at all some days and others my nips just kill me. Anyone else like this?

Also all those ladies having early private scans, where did you book them? were they at your normal hospital? and also how much are they?

Im off on holiday in 3 weeks time and i know im gonna worry myself silly all week and not be able to enjoy it as much as if i had a private scan and knew everything was ok. You would of thought this being my fourth i would be more chilled but uh uh no sirrreee, im worse than ever :hug: :hug:

My scan was £90 in total, I just googled ultrasound and Birmingham I think. I phoned them on the Tuesday and it was done Thursday morning. The place itself was above a GP clinic and I was seen straight away. They were very nice and it was amazingly easy to sort out. In Bristol the only private scan I could get was a full nuchal scan at 12 weeks at the BUPA hospital which would have cost me over £200 I think . Try googling places near you with the word ultrasound and see what you find.

I found one :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Its only about 12 mile down the road, now all i need to do is sweet talk my partner into paying for it :) :) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Rosebay, how many weeks were you when you had yours done?
I feel exactly the same!! glad I am not going nuts on my own!!

big huggs :hug:
First of all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

To be honest I am the total opposite! I sometimes think to myself something terrible will happen because I'm too optimistic :wall: :wall:
Im the opposite, not really worried about the lack of symptoms as I havent really had many and put the ones disappearing down to the fact Im over 10 weeks and thats when things start to disappear etc.
The weeks also seem to be flying past, although that may also have something to do with being at work most days and being in the middle of buying a house which has a few problems and stress to go with it. Im buying from some awkward people!

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