Scared and Excited - Scan Today!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Have got my scan at 4 o'clock this afternoon. I really want to know that everything is ok and that I am really pregnant!

Bought a Moses basket off e-bay the other day, picked it up last night. It is gorgeous. Just hope I haven't tempted fate. Couldn't resist it though.

Roll on 4 o'clock. Good luck to Charlotte who also has her scan today.

Sus x
Awww goodluck for this afternoon hon :hug: yay tis sooo exciting you all havin your scans :D see you over in second tri very very soon Sus :dance:

love Sarah xxxx
Aww good luck today at your scan. Hope all goes well and you have a lovely pic to post on here when you get back.

:hug: xxx :hug:
good luck hun cant wait to see the pics :cheer: xxxxxx
Good luck Sus and enjoy it!! I had my scan at 12wks 4 days too and jumped forward to 13wks 1 day which was a nice surprise!

See you in tri 2 very soon! Can't wait to see a scan pic!

Sarah x
Good luck hun! I'm sure all will be fine!! Even after seeing bubs it's STILL hard to believe you're pregnant!! At my 20 week scan a stupid part of me thought "I hope there really is a baby in there" lol

Fate shmate :shakehead: You go shop to your heart's content hun! xx
Hope the scan went well!! :D
Wheres them pics?? :D:D:D
Thanks for all your mesaages. Sorry for delay girls. Scan was fantastic. Baby was wriggling around as soon as she put the probe on my belly. Felt so relieved when I saw it. Hubby was too.

Will add a pic as soon as I work out how to do it!

Sus x
Hope this works!

Wow, that's amazing!

I didn't realise how well formed the baby was in the scans. You can see its head, arms and legs, aww.


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