Scared and confused


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Nov 5, 2011
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I found out I'm pregnant with my first child, But this is not my first pregnancy I've had a total of 4 miscarriages in the last four years.

My last miscarriage was in March this year at 17 weeks which tore me apart and still haven't completely recovered i kind of locked myself in wouldn't speak to anyone not even my partner who is always there and supportive this last miscarriage was hard and now I've missed by period and have found out im pregnant i feel i cant tell anyone cause im scared of it happening again.

The worst thing is I'm scared to tell my partner because i cant face the look and heart ache of if i miscarry again.

I have no trouble in getting pregnant its the staying pregnant i have trouble

I just don't know what i should do for the best
go to the doctors and demand to be closely monitored, they should already be checking you to see why you miscarried so many times and so should know if you need progesterone or a stitch or something.
I have an appointment on Monday morning, im still waiting to see the consultant from march although now Im pregnant
if they dont do something positive and make you feel reassured that they are trying to help then get on their case hun or get a 2nd opinion.
Ah hun :hug: There is a section on here called pregnancy after loss which will have lots of lovely ladies who will be able to relate. Hope doc is helpful on mon. Sorry for your previous losses. Xx

I know what you're talking about - although I have only had 2 mc's and they were both b4 12 weeks... When I got pregnant this time, I really didn't want to be. I wanted to protect this little person inside of me- but I was so so sure that I would mc again.

I had read somewhere that blood disorders could be a reason why people mc and I know my Mum has a funny blood disorder so I went to the docs and asked to be put on baby aspirin. He said he didn't think I needed them, but gave them to me to reassure me anyway. I'm now 20 weeks, and totally hopeful that this time baby will come only when I'm ready for her in March!

I really hope you get the strength to go to the docs, but can I also suggest that you talk to your OH. There is nothing worse than going through this yourself!!! Bless you honey! You're in my thoughts xxxx

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