scared and confused !!


Apr 13, 2011
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I found out i was pregnant over the weekend with 2 possitive test and have been to the docs which he thinks i could be between 5 and 9 weeks , i am waiting on a date for a dating scan and have made my midwife appointment, but thats not my problem, my problem is i have ony been with my partner for 4 months and there are few things that we are concerned about , but i dont know if i could go through a termination as i had one b4 and have never got over it and i have a 4 year old daughter, help!!!!! so confused i dont really want to loose this baby and i definatley dont want to loose him :sad:
First off congratulations hunny and welcome to tri-1.
Im sorry you are in this situation :hugs: hopefully you can make a choice that you can both be happy with.
Have you sat down with your OH and told him how you feel? x x

Hi AylesburyMum,

Congratulations and welcome to Tri 1 :-) Sounds like a bit of a shock for you getting pregnant? How has your partner taken it?

I'm sure you must be really scared and confused but there are lots of lovely ladies here to talk to when you need to :-)

Totally understand your situation must be difficult but hope you have a healthy happy 9 months :-) xxx
hey ladies, ty, he took it well but with shock he is worried that if went through with it it would put a mojor strain on our relationship as we have only been together for 4 months but i am concerned that if we had a termination it would cause problems as i had one at 16 and i still struggle everyday with it !! xx
As you know with being a mummy already, a baby can put major strain on a relationship but if you do something that you regret you may also put strain on your relationship hunny, i would sit down and weigh up how you both feel x x

well first time round was never an issue as for the strain on relationships as my daughters father has nothing do with her as soon as i told him i was pg he denied even knowing me so its been just me all the way until jan when i met my bf , we both understand each others point of view and understand that there are 'obstacles' and not much time to decided , but being a mum already is making the possible decision of a termination even harder !! xx I am Katy btw xx
Hi Katy :wave: :)
I really hope that you can come to a decision that you both will be happy with, keep us posted hunny and if you need us we are here :friends: x x

thanks !!! well he said he is going to let me know his decision on friday when i next see him, and then we go from there and have another chat and make our final decisions so i am sure i will be ranting and raving about which ever direction we take ! xx
I think the decision should ultimately be yours as you are the one who will be carrying the baby or if you decide to terminate i feel as a woman you will find it harder to deal with. There are so many of us here for you to talk to you dont have to feel alone. Im here if you ever want to chat. Me and my partner were only together a short time when i got pregnant with our little girl i had 5 kids from a previous partner already things have worked out for me as i moved here from Ireland to live with him and we are about to have a second (planned) baby together.
thanks everyone ! i am sure between us we will come to the right decision, but no matter what we decided i am sure i will still be on here ranting and raving about my 4 yr old lol x
:hugs:hi and congrats hope all goes well on fri !! this is a very good place to rant and rave. sure u will make the right decision of u. big hugs xx
Hey ladies ,well a decision has been made but was nt the decision i thought it would have to be , we have had to go with the termination route :( i had a cervical smear done a few weeks back and the results came back as moderate abnormality( caused by the hpv virus which is linked to nealy all cases of cervical cancer , so have been adfvised by the gp not to continue with the pregnancy for the sake of the health of me and the baby :( :( so upset but i know it has to be done and once the result are 'normal' or what has to be done is done my bf and i can try again xx
so sorry Hunni. dont know what else to say other than hope dr get u sorted and that normal results dont take to long in coming. big hugs xx
thanks hun, i have been in pieces all day bf been majorly supportive to hes going to take some time off work and be with me , but on the upside my bf asked me to 'move in' with him today when he moves to the same town as me :) xx
So sorry hun but sounds like you have a very loving and supportive bf xxx
yer he is fab cant be a prat at times but ia m sure thats just male genetics , he wouldnt even cry infront of me cos he was trying to strong for me but i saw the tears when he left earlier as he has to be in work at 3 am poor him :( just hope we get the all clear soon and we can try again have to wait 6 months b4 having another smear test so hopefully we will be ok x
glad u have a good support network hun and thats a positive step with OH. xxx

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