

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Can anyone tell me if the size of the baby when you have a scan includes and extra two weeks or not?

I had an early scan and the sonographer said they baby measured at 7+6. Does this include the 2 weeks before that the midwife normally puts on, to go off your LMP or not? So was I actually 7+6 or was I 9+6?
I'm just wondering as i've had to guess my LMP as i didn't take note of it and i could be a bit further on than I think. My dating scan is Friday so I'm itching to find how far i actually am. Any ideas? xxx
When I had my dating scan I was told baby measured 13 weeks, that would be 13 weeks of the 40 of pregnancy, so it would include the 2 weeks you're on about.
i dont really get what u mean does it mean u r 9 weeks and not 7 weeks? am confused
i dont really get what u mean does it mean u r 9 weeks and not 7 weeks? am confused

When I had my scan the sonographer said it measured 7+6 at the time. However when the midwife does your estimated due date it goes from your LMP so adds two weeks onto the date of your pregnancy to make it 40 weeks.

What I was wondering was if the sonographer takes this 2 weeks into account when doing the measuring and I was actually 7+6 weeks because if she doesn't then the scan date (7+6)and the midwife dates (+ 2 weeks to make it 9+6) would be 2 weeks out.

Does that make sense?
As yorksmummy said they measure you out of the 40 weeks. :)so in theory what they do is they count from last lmp and not from conception which is where the difference in the two weeks comes in! But early scans are not totally accurate so u may be earlier or later than what u think, your 12 week scan will be the most accurate.for my early scan, from my last lmp I thought I was ten weeks and I turned out to be 9 by the measurements! Good luck xx
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doesnt go with your lmp were a live it used to years ago but in my hospital goes with measuremnets of baby because if a go with me lmp a would be further on x
It includes the 2 weeks :) otherwise I'd be 23 weeks now... :o x
You would go by the sonographer :)
Her dates are by the babies measurements (which include the 2 wks before conception)
It inclueds the 2 weeks hun x x

But I wouldnt worry if the measurements from and early scan dont add up with your suspected LMP x I had 2 early scans, and both times baby measured small...

Was expecting to be told at 12 weeks scan i was only 11 weeks, when infact I was 13 :) x
Thanks girls.
The sonographer said it was just an estimate because it was so early. I have my '12 week' scan on Friday. But judging from her dating the last time at 7+6 I should be 13+3 and I'm not 100% sure on my LMP. It'll be interesting to see what the difference is on Friday xxx
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