Scan worries


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Hi girls

Ok, I woke up this morning in a panic about yesterdays scan. Although everything appeared to go well something dawned on me. The sonographer could only find one arm. She was looking for ages but whilst she was scanning me she was training a student. After looking for a little while she then went on to explain to the student where the placenta was etc and stopped looking for my LO's arm.

Me being so amazed by my little one I forgot about the arm until I woke up this morning and realised SHE DIDNT FIND IT!! I looked on the report and it says limbs not seen :(

I called my Doc on advice of my Mum who said it was a bit naughty of them not to mention it so to call them and re-boook for a quick scan to check. I called hospital who were SO nasty. the cow on the phone made me feel so bad and said that I shouldnt be questioning a trained sonographer and if I was worried then I should have said yesterday - which is true but I was so wrapped up in this little baby I didnt. The receptionist said she probably DID see 2 arms but just didnt tell me?! WTF. She went on to say that if the sonographer was worried then she would've called me back and she wasnt going to give me a re-scan until I said Il just go to my doctor then to get me an appointment at which she splutterred ok Il re-book you.

Its re-booked for Friday.

Am I being histerical? I just want to know my baby is ok
You are not being hysterical, this is one thing I am really worried about as my husbands sister only has one arm. If she wrote 'limb could not be found' she should have discussed the implications with you. It sounds as though this student had her full attention rather then you and the job she was on.

What a scratchy cow that receptionist was, how very dare she!!

Don't worry though, your baby is probably fine, it must be common to not see all limbs or she would not have so easily overlooked it!!

I don't think you're being hysterical at all!! I don't blame you for being worried!!

The woman at the hospital sounds like a complete miser, who is she to say what the sonographer would and wouldn't do!?! Does the sonographer tell her everything after a scan!? :x The sonographer wouldn't have written limbs not found if both had been found I'm sure.

It could simply be the way the baby was lying but I wish you luck at the scan on Friday!! Be thinking of you! :hug:
thanks girls

she didnt write limb not found but on the print it says limbs not seen / examined which she selects from computer before she prints it. The receptionist said its an early scan so maybe you didnt see them but I saw one perfect arm so I know they can be seen.

Hopefuly my little monkey was just hiding it :)

Grrr I just hate being made to feel bad about questioning something. I felt as though I shouldnt have called them although my Doctor said to and also said if you dont get anywhere with them call me back and Il sort it.

x x
Well that is how she intended you to feel so that you would hopefuly go away. Although what personal gain she benefits from by stopping you getting a scan I just don't know. Silly cow! :x
aww hun i'm sure everything is absolutely fine :hug:

that receptionist sounds like a bitch, some people just don't know how to talk to people :wall:

Don't worry hon I'm sure everything's fine. If she'd have been worried I'm convinced she'd have looked harder. You're probably right - little monkey already making life difficult :D

Sad to hear how the lady at the hospital spoke to you though. Surely they should be slightly better dealing with people??
hopefully everything will be fine. Ive got the head of the department on Friday so Im hopeing she'll be thorough.

I just hate the hospital I have to go to and the only other one near is just as bad. Ive been there for an operation and they are so incompetant (sp) and I have little faith in them but Id rather have some care than none. Needless to say Ive opted for a homebirth!

thanks for your replies
x x
aww hun thats a terrible thing to happen im sure your lo has got 2 arms just had one at a funny angle dont forget they are very bendy right now
hopefully you can get all tis sorted quickly to put your mind at ease
manda xx
i dont think the hospital checked everything at my 12 week scan..i think all they did was chk the crown to rump length, and hb.. we were in ther eofr like 5 mins max..i think they do that at the 20 week one.. but if u have a re-booking then thats great..
I'm sure everything will be alright. Sometimes they don't move quite where they need to to show everything off.

Try not to worry too much till the next scan though :hug:
my scan was with a student presetn too and more was said to her than me which I am not used to as usually sonographers see that I am a doc and explain it all to me as they know I know what I am looking at IYSWIM - it is really not unusual to say limbs not see/examined on a 12 week scan and as has been said the scan is usually quick and used for dating whereas the 20 week is the anomaly scan - BUT they shouldnt have left you worrying and you are in your rights to get another which will hopefully put your mind at rest.

with my ds1 at the 20 week scan they couldnt see his feet as he was sitting on them we had to go back for a rescan but I had had a private 12 week scan which had been very detailed (paying for it and sonographer knew dh) so knew the feet were there - they found them on the repeat scan.

try not to worry and enjoy getting another peak at baby!
No not being hysterical I think its shite that the sonographer forgot to tell you the vital bits and should of been concentrating on the point in hand not the student!

Anyway hon Im sure you bebe has all its limbys maybe it was just hiding them or something...

Yah to another scan though

good luck hon


P.s I like ur avatar sexy lady!!

I would have been the same as you hun.
Anyway im sure everything ok.
Good luck for friday!!!
@ nikkimitch thanks hun, thats made me feel a bit better knowing its not unusual to not see limbs. The sonographer did say at the start she was going to check for any major abnormalities and check baby had all its bits so I expected her to check for limbs. It was just the way she was concerned that she couldnt find babys little arm, said Oh Il look at another angle in a minute then proceded to teach the student and that was that. Me being Miss Brain Like A Sieve forgot after that. I wasnt even worried about it until thismorning and I thought hang on a minute :think: ......h'anyway.

I have a scan booked now so Il be able to put my mind at rest (hopefully) its not like you can poke baby to move yet as its so wee still but we shall see. At the end of the day even if my babba had one arm or no arms for that matter it would make no difference to me as I fell in love with it from the minute I saw its little heart beating in a blob. Id just like to know :D


Thanks Sharne - havent been called Sexy in ages!! ha ha :rotfl:

x x x

just got this post and hope that you are feeling better now and more reassured
take care

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