Scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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I'm so scared and excited....i cant wait! Its at 9:10am so luckily i dont have to wait all day. :cheer:

We have to take Isla as she has a hospital appointment straight after but i'm hoping that they wont tell us off for taking her! :think:

AND we still havent decided whether to find out the sex or not yet...... :rotfl:
I votes yes :D
And i think they like other siblings to go to the scans as it helps them understand that there is a baby :)
At our hospital it says strictly no children in the scan rooms, oh well they cant stop us!!

Kimbo you're a rotten rotten cheat :rotfl: :rotfl:
Surprise is best hun, especially if you are not certain now

Hi Jenny!!!

Have you had your scan yet and i'm guessing yours will be a suprise?
Think you've just seen mine! I'm over the moon that it's fine and healthy! Can't wait to hear about yours, you have to post a pic!! :D

yay your time has come lol.. i personally think team green is a little small, why not wait for the big surprise at the end ? :D
definately find out :pray: :pray: , It was the best thing I did, I hate surprises.
Find out... cos people will be bugging you everyday about what you're having and that coupled with ppl asking you when you are going to pop when your overdue, might cause involuntary head ripping off... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Plus you got one little girl and you can't exactly put a little boy in a sweet little pink dress... well you can but people are going to think your weird... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I vote NO stay green, we found out and i kind of wish i hadnt now.

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