Scan this morning!

i'm so going to marksies this aft to look for boys clothes!! is it wrong i'm secretly hoping they made a mistake with mine?!
I want another girl because Caitlyn is so wonderful but I would be so over the moon with a boy I think I'd die on the spot :rofl:
I remember changing my friends baby boys nappy, I had no idea where to start and the whole time I was petrified of him peeing on me!
:rofl: Not baby blue!

My sister's just changed Seth and said I'll have little morning perkers to deal with! :shock:

I dont know how boys work Toria! :lol:
I didn't even know how to change a nappy before I had to do Caitlyn's first nappy. I was crapping it. Luckily it isn't that hard :rofl:
Congratulations!! Boys are wonderful :cloud9: You always know when they're about to wee too :lol:'s been a few weeks now since Toby managed to wee on me!
I bet Hebe has weed on me twice max! I've got visions of fountains of pee!
Oh you do get fountains of pee! All over them, clean clothes, face, carpet and you end up trying to catch it in a clean nappy :lol:

It's only really for the first week or two, or if they've just woken up though. Toby doesn't do it any more as long as I leave him for a couple of minutes after he's woken up before I change him!
:rofl: Huge congrats Lisa!!

I wouldn't know where to begin with a little boy either ;) But I'm sure you learn as you go!

congrats hun!

Wouldn't know the first place to start with a boy :rofl:
Yay Congratulations!! :cheer:

Is it wrong that Freya wees on me all the time?!:doh:
:yay: so happy for you hun, Congratulations :)

Boys are beautiful, always mummies boys :cloud9:
Woohoo... congrats :)
one of my friends used a babywipe to cover her lil' boys pinky which seemed to work....

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