Scan Saturday and Confused about dates?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All!

Well sorry I’ve not been around. I only have internet at work due to moving house. And I only work Mon, Thurs and Fri, but I was off sick Monday so there we go!

Anyway an eventful week. I had my private Scan on Saturday and my Booking in Appointment on Wednesday.

Firstly the scan:

It went well. There was a tiny Sprout in there with a heartbeat. It was really tucked in the corner so she struggled at first to get a good pic and measure it. But first measurement it was only 6mm (6+3). Then she did it again and it looked like Sprout had stretched out a bit and measured 7mm. But this only equalled 6 weeks and 4 days! I thought at the earliest possible I would be 7+2, and that would have been on a 41 day cycle! Longest cycle I had previously was 38 days. But with this measurement it meant I would have had a 46 day cycle!!! It also means I got a positive test at only 3+2!!! Now the more I think about this the more it makes no sense. :shock: :shock:

Is it possible to get a positive HPT that early?? Also the latest day we bd’d was the 21st April, so I’m not even sure if this works out right??

Amway I am a bit confused. But as long as Sprout is there and healthy that is all that matters. I am just worried maybe the dates mean he isn’t growing right or something. What a panicker! :roll:

With Alfie we had a scan at 7 weeks and it was just a round flashing blob. But this time even though he was apparently earlier than 7 weeks it looked much more like a bean and more like a baby than last time. Weird eh??

Anyway I haven’t told the midwife I had an early scan as she thinks I am 9 ½ weeks pregnant. And the nuchal scan has to be between 11 and 13+6. So I will get one sooner if I don’t tell them. And if it’s too early they will have to book me in for another. I know it’s a bit naughty but I really need to see Sprout again as soon as I can to see he is ok and to see if dates were right.

Anyway for £50 we got 9 photos, all on a disc too! and a short DVD clip of Sprouts heart flashing. I want to post but can’t really put on PC as at work and no one knows!
They were really nice. I’m just a bit concerned about the whole date thing. Can anyone help?

Will send another post about booking apt as otherwise this will go on forever!

Love Laura
hun i know a lot of people have had positives at 3+2 which would be about 9dpo i had my pos on 10dpo and im sure babydust had her positive at 7dpo which would be earlier than you again try not to worry your bean has a heart beat :cheer: your scans will soon show if theres anything wrong but im sure its all going to be fine :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx

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