Scan question


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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i know im from first tri.. but i wanted to ask you girls a question - did any of you have any early scans, and if so, when did you see baby on them? i had a scan yesterday at what i think was 5 weeks and 3 days, and i have one again tomorrow morning.. but they didnt see anything yesterday, just the sac, and my HCG levels are doubling..

answers much appreciated :)

I started bleeding early on so I went for a scan, I was just over 5 weeks and they said they couldnt see a heartbeat, but that was quite normal for that early, they said there was a sac and everything seemed how it should be but i had to go back a week later and there was a little heart beat. I am now 23 weeks.
So try not to worry


We also had a little scare at about 7 weeks - had a scan then and could just see a little bean and not much else. Everything is now fine and my wife is now 15 weeks pg, so sure everything will be fine!

Thnks kerrymac - when you first went, was there just a sac or did it have a foetus in it?
They told me they could only see the sac because it was soo early, but i didnt worry too much as they said that was pretty normal for 5 wks + 4days.
Hope all is well tomorrow, but I am sure it will be x
I had a scan at 7 weeks because of a bleed and all I could see was a sac with what literally looked like a bean in it.....there was the faintest little glimmer of a heartbeat but it was so small I don't think I could actually see anything, I just went off what the sonographer told me.

I think they say that as a general rule 5 weeks you can see the sac, 6 weeks you can see a fetal pole, 7 weeks a heartbeat. I think that's only a guideline though, it's different for everyone.
Hmm i hope they see something tomorrow.. i cant be dealing with keep going back..
I had a scan at 6 weeks and then at 7 weeks because of a bleed. From previous early scans people have had it seems that a heartbeat is seen by most from 6 weeks plus.

Try not to worry if you dont get a heartbeat tomorrow but see if they will give you another scan around 7/8 weeks were things are a little bigger - but as my friend said "it looks like a monkey nut!"

I wish you all the best :hug:
Hey Beth!
I had a scan at 6 weeks and they could see a heartbeat but it was like a star shape blob rather than a baby shape! If you look in tri 1 scan pics you will see what they saw! (I posted a pic of 6 and 12 weeks)
Good luck tomorrow hun! Im sure everything will be fine and Im guessing they are expecting to see something tomorrow or they would have waited to have you back in!? :hug:
Well i had to hav another internal scan.. felt really uncomfortable..

Anyway - last time the sac was empty and 2.5mm, and this time it had a yolk thing in it and it was 9mm!! sooo thats good news!!!

a bit weird - there was a little bit of blood in my uterus, which oculd be from when it implanted and i didnt bleed, so they said i shouldnt be alarmed if i start getting a bit of browny discharge etc..

so overall they were very pleased with it, and im going back for a scan on the 9th june so check all is well. yay! Cheer

Ohhh and the sac is measuring 5 weeks and 5 days!
Thats fantastic news :cheer:

Im so pleased for you.. Congratulations xxx
If u have a look at my siggy thing i had scans at 8,10,12,23 weeks.

The hb starts from about 6 weeks or so...


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