Scan question


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2007
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Hi all!

Hope you and your bumps are well.

I received my letter from Watford hospital this morning, booking me in for my first appointment there, which is on the 16th of November. However, on the letter it says

''At present we do not provide a routine 12 week dating scan. The routine anomaly scan we provide at this hospital is between 19 and 22 weeks''

After having a chat with my mum this afternoon, she has said that, as I suffered with fits when I was born, I should see if I can have a scan earlier. O/h and I want to book an NT scan, but mum was saying I should speak to my doctor and see if I can get it done at the hospital. Do you think there is any point asking? I mentioned the fits to my doctor at my last appointment, and she didn't seem to bothered.... :think:

That sucks that you don't get a 12 week scan as routine. I think you should speak with your Dr and try and get referred. If not, if you're in a position where you're able to.. perhaps book a private scan?
It may well be your hospital there does not do a Nuchal scan in which case you'll have to go private for it. Not all hospitals have facilities for Nuchal yet. We had to go private and it cost £185 with blood tests etc. Need to have it done between 11 weeks and 13+6 weeks though.

And it seems to not be unusual to not offer 12 weeks scans. Some seem to not do those and offer around 20 weeks as the first one. If there is no 12 week scan on offer from your local hospital, and they say they only do an anomaly scan between 19-22 weeks then thats probably all you'll get unless there is a medical reason to be scanned earlier. I'd not really worry about your fits as a baby if you've been fine ever since and never needed treatment as you've grown up and your own doctor is not concerned about it being a problem. Always worth talking to your doc again about the fits if you want more reassurance though.

I'd book privately if you are really worried about having the Nuchal.

Good luck :)
Thank you for the responses.x I think I will go private, just for piece of mind.

Thank you :hug:
It's poo isn't it squiggle. I'm in the same boat as you, we don't get them in as routine here either. We are going private, too. I think it's wel worth the cash! :hug:
Same in my area I will onlt get a 20 week scan.

I would try and push for a 12 weeks scan though considering your background.

Im not entirely convinced that £185 for the Nuchal test is money worth spent because Im not sure what I would do with the information anyway if it came back at a high percentage - I really dont think I could make the decision based on the results of a test, it is only a percentage chance, plus if my baby was born with downs it would be difficult at first, no doubt like any newborn baby would be, but it would still be my baby and loved like any other baby. Thats just my opinion though.

Hope you manage to get an early scan arranged.

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