Scan pics..........


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Hi.......managed to get my scan brought forward due to this continuing bleeding prob.............said all was absolutely fine with baby :D ......but told that it looks like as it has gone on for so long that it will probably continue (bleeding) so suppose i'll just have to put up with it...........hope the piccy works that tried to put on??? :? .........oh, so as nearly 13 weeks decided to tell people now...wehey!
oops no.....dont know what ive done wrong.......cant think straight......totally full of a cold......
Hi Hun

Pleased everything is ok with LO. Bleeding is such a worrying time and you'll be glad your mind is put to rest now.

Cant see your piccy tho :think:

Hope to see it soon.

glad all ok you must be worried with the bleeding :hug: cant see the pic xxxx
Lol, sounds like pregnancy brain is kicking in Lisa! Cup of tea sounds like a plan! Scan pics look fab! So happy to hear everything is well, what a worry the bleeding must have been but great that you can relax and start enjoying things now knowing little one is safe and well.

Take care and enjoy your cuppa!

Sarah x
Glad everything went well and how exciting telling people. :D :hug:
I can see your pics now hun.

They look fantastic. I love seeing other peoples scan pics, that feeling of seeing your LO must be amazing.

Hope your all settled with a cuppa now and relaxing.

Take care xxxxxxxxx
awwww your little one looks sooooo cute :hug: :D
awww i can see them now :D fab hun xxxxxxxx
Excellent pics! I hope mine are as good (i have mine at 13 weeks!)

Glad all is ok with your baby,

Claire x
Awww the pics are great!!
Im sorry about the bleeding but at least you dont need to worry now :D :cheer: :cheer:
wow - there's no doubting that's a baby! Amazing pictures!

you must be over the moon :hug:
Hi.....Sorry longest cup of tea ever :D lol............yes starting to get excited now......seems much more real now we've told people..........really pleased with my pics :) The kids are over the moon !!!....... The lady who did the scan was really reassuring and feel I much better since...........have to read todays posts and then move to second tri :dance:
I bled heavily until 14 weeks and then it just stopped.

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