Scan on Thursday


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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I have my 20 week scan on Thursday and I'm just so excited I could burst. It's all I can think about and I've been counting down the days for 3 weeks (which actually made it go slower lol). I can't sleep, I can't conccentrate at work, I can't wait to see my baby and find out the sex and make sure he/she is ok etc. Is anyone else as excited as this or am I OTT about it all??!!
Mine still seems a long way off yet, but I am determined to find out the sex and hope they will tell me.

I'm not as nervous this time, as I have heard the heart beat and my bump seems to be growing every day now so I am not actively worrying that something might be wrong like I was with the 12 weeks scan.

The bit I am really looking forward to is going out on a spending spree.

We got quite a lot of vouchers for our wedding and we talked at the weekend about spending a far amount of it on baby stuff!!! :D :D So we can spend spend spend without it costing us anything!!!!! Thats what I am really looking forward to!

My scan is on the 23rd September. Blimey! Thats a month today! Its getting closer than I thought!
my scan is on the 26th of september and i am SO looking forward to it! we want to know if we are having a little Ruben or a little Julia!!! it will be so much more fun to buy things if they don't have to be neutral, so i hope we can find out!
I have a scan every two weeks because of my cervix and my next one is friday. Last time the baby was in a funny position and they weren't sure of the sex. They're going to try again on Friday and if we find out Saturday will be our first shopping day. I'm very excited and finding that work is going very slowly today.
Hey Petchy, we have decided on Reuben too, I thought I was unique!!
Sarah - our scan is also on 23rd September!

How far past 20 wks will everyone be when they have their "20wk"scan? Only reason I'm asking is because where we live we don't get a 20wk scan on the NHS so we're having to pay for a private scan so I would prefer to book it for the right time (I'll be 20 +3 if we keep the scan on 23rd Sept)


I have my scan tomorrow and as you can see I will be 20 weeks 3 days! Cant wait to see how much its changed. I surprised you dont get a 20 week scan since its the one thats meant to check everythings all there and in the right place etc. Funny how it varies from place to place
I have my 3D scan tomorrow, and we'll be finding out if it's a boy or a girl!

I'm a little nervous, but very excited too, I just hope everythings OK.
Layla - yeah we were also really surprised we don't get a 20wk scan automatically. My Midwife said people only get them when the obstetrician has referred them due to problems (I'm not sure what she meant by this - for instance if the results of the 16 wk blood checks showed a higher risk etc). I've got my 16 wk bloods on Thursday and so I'm definately going to ask again.

Can't wait to see all of your scan pics!

it's so exciting kim!! mine is on 4th oct - so it still feels ages away. Keep us posted!

do you feel like you are having a girl or a boy? any idea?
I thought it was a boy right from the start, but OH and my mum reckon a girl, so now I'm not too sure...

Soon see though wont we?! I'll post some pics tomorrow night - he he I can't wait!!
I was 19 weeks and 6 days when i had my 20 week scan, and couldnt wait!! Its the most amazing sight, just wish i could have another one now!! :lol: Have a midwife appointment today so will get to hear the heartbeat again, which is also very good :D

I have to wait till sep 15th for my scan, and i will be 22 weeks and 5 days, its so far, but its the only place around here that will tell me the sex, i dont know what these doctors think :?
Well i hope all goes weel with everyone, and hopefully well know what were all ahving soon!!!!!!
Only 3 hours 20 minutes to go, I'm soooo excited, I'll update later!! :D
Good luck Kim, I'm excited for you! I havent gotten the date for my scan yet. Expecting it any day...

Look forward to hearing how it goes.

Jacq x
Hi Kim!!! so excited to hear! Im sure we are having a boy too, my scan is on 23rd sept, and yes im as excited as you, so your not being OTT!
hope your well.
Love hels xxx
P.S must change ticker it is 1 week behind!!!
ITS A GIRL!! - What a surprise!!

I'm well chuffed though, everything in pink - heaven! :D :D :D

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