Scan number 6!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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Back at my favourite place in the world for scan number 6! Not a clue what they are scanning for and I'm doubtful they will see anything different than what they have on the previous 5! They wanted me to book a consultant appointment for this week too, but I already had one for Friday. Do you think they are looking for something and not telling me? I just enjoy seeing my little girl every week!x
Hope it goes fine im sure it will let us now how you get onx
Surely you have some idea why they are scanning you every week? I know if I was being scanned every week I'd be asking why?

let's hope whatever they are checking is ok but you could do with asking them
I do ask, and I get "just to make sure things are okay" as an answer every time! They don't seem to give me an answer that means anything. Every scan they say movements are good and she's within growth range, so I don't know why they make me have them :/ it was the last one today though, so next time I see her will be when she arrives :)
they sound really illusive is there a underlying reason why she wouldn't be ok? I wouldn't be happy with that at all! Well its good its always ok and u get to see her more not long until you meet her in the flesh :)
My bump I only measuring 33cm and I'm nearly 39 weeks so they think she's small but from the first scan I had she's measured right on for her dates, it's a shame really because its the doctors who don't seem to tell me what's goin on where a all the midwives have been great whenever we've been up there! Never mind, not long to go now :)

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