Scan in the morning!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I have my early scan in the morning. I'll be just over 6 weeks gone, so hopefully baby will be seen with a good heartbeat.

I did have a twin pregnancy with my youngest, which I lost his twin, am I am hoping I have two in there again! Would be a nice suprise!

Please wish me luck!

I'll update in the morning, hopefully with a piccy!
well the scan went alright, saw the sac and it's where it's supposed to be. only a little sac, measures about 4-5 weeks gestation. but they could see the yolk sac inside there.

she says that everything looks good at the moment, sacs too small to see a baby yet.

i said that i got a postive test almost two weeks ago, so how come the sac only measures 4-5 weeks cause then i would have been only 2-3 weeks pregnant when i found out - too early.

basically she said that the size of the sac isn't that good as working out gestation, they date via the size of the baby, not the size of the sac.

so anyway, the nurse was alright about everything.

i have an appointment for two weeks today. to check viability.

i'm going to leave my ticker the same, but we could be looking at almost mid october for a due date. maybe around the 10th?

i didn't get a pic, wasn't really much to see!
Hi there Star,

Firstly have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope that all goes well in two weeks and that your LO is ok :pray:

Take care of both of you
mibiuk x
Glad it went okay and good luck for 2 weeks time :hug:
Glad that everything is looking good, good luck for 2 weeks time.
Hmmm pls corrct me if im wrong but did you say somewhere that u conceived straight after mc or very closely? If so then maybe you cycle changed? Either way im sure in a few weeks they will see something so give it time hon

Ah that's fantastic news!

Congraulations hun! You must be a very proud mummy right now :D xx
yep i concieved before i got my period after my m/c in dec.

i'm confused though. i got a postive test on the wednesday two weeks ago. a positive digital no less.

if i'm only 4-5 weeks then that would have made me 2-3 weeks pregnant when i found out, which is too early to find out.

so now im worried. is the sac not growing properly? blighted ovum maybe? :(
I really hope not Star, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope the next scan will show everything progressing well :hug: :hug:
Hi Star, Pleased to hear that you saw a yolk sac on the scan and hope that the next scan is reassuring.

I don't really know much about these things but if you m/c in Dec perhaps your hcg levels were not completely down to normal when you concieved again and so your levels didn't have to rise so much due to the new pregnancy to be detectable and so were seen almost immediately....hope that makes sense. :think:

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