Scan Day Eve :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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:dance: Very very excited...its the eve of my scan and i cannot wait to find out which team we're on, really hoping blob is going to co-operate and let us see all its glory rather than keeping his/her legs crossed!

The scan is at 9:30am...nice and early and i just know i wont sleep tonight lol!!

I'll start a new thread when i get back tomorrow, but dont be fretting if its late on ladies, i have told OH that i am going shopping straight after the scan to buy some blue or pink clothes, blankets i could be a while hehe!!

Muchas excited like you wouldnt believe and if blob sticks to being as active as he/she has been for the past week then were in for a very eventful scan lol!!

Yay!!! Can't wait to find out what you having deedee. Mind is next Tuesday...I'm getting really impatient!!
I have been so impatient for far too long, i have to say this last week leading up to the scan has flown thankfully! Just hope all goes smoothly as i remember with DD i had to go have a walk around as she wasnt co-operating for measurements or for the sex and the sonographer said if after a walk they still couldnt do it i had to come back in a couple of weeks time, my heart sunk, i wanted to know there and then haha luckily she co-operated so i'm really really keeping everything crossed this little Tinker behaves :D xx
Aw, soooo exciting Deedee! Hope all goes well and LO co-operates. I shall be stalking!! Enjoy! X
oooo good luck for tomorrow deedee, look forwarding to hearing how it went and whether boy/girl too.

I just went and bought a couple more outfits for Lulah and the stupid woman left the security tag thing on so I gotta go all the way back to get it taken off lol :wall2: Wouldn't mind normally but it's freaking horribleoutside today with snow n ice!

Best of luck for tomorrow hun and I hope ur blob co operates :) my Roo was actually really lazy even after drinking fizzy and eating chocolate, but I suppose that made it easy for the measurements to be taken xx
so jealous hun, hope baby co-operates and shows his or her bits off. Mines not too long away so looking forward to it. x
Good luck for tomorrow / have fun shopping :) I celebrated my scan by buying my first pink dress hehe
Thanks everyone :)

Maria...thats bad re the tags :shock: pain in the bum when you have to trail all the way back in horrible conditions just for some tags taking off :(

Kanga...fizzy pop and choccy seem to be working a treat for my blob lately, very active after an hour of having them on a watch he/she will prove me wrong tomorrow haha!!

Misscrazycooki...utter poop that u have had to have your scan moved back but hopefully it will come round quick, not too much longer to go, 8 days is it? it will be here before you know it :)

Oooohhhh how exciting!! Good luck for tomorrow, I'm so jealous xx

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Wow, cant wait to know if you are having a pink or blue bundle. Have fun shopping too ;-) xx
Thanks Lisey, really looking forward to it myself :D xx
Aaaaghhh, scan day eve is the worst day ever!!!! Sending you lots of luck for tomorrow, can't wait to see your update! I'm guessing.. team pink! xxxx
Oo good luck for tomorrow! Cant wait to see ur update!! Its my scan a week tomorrow, so feeling the nerves :p Hope baby stays active for u!
Ah good luck deedee! Very excited for you!!

I'm the same cannot wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Enjoy xxxxxx
todays gone quite quick tbh :) i doubt tonight will though, bet i dont get hardly any sleep tonight lol!! really giddy :) hehe!! can of coke is in the garden chilling pmsl and choc is stored safely :D all set to go!!! Eeeeek!!!!! xx
Good luck for tomorrow, really looking forward to hearing your team and seeing some pics xx


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