Scan date?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2012
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Hi im new on here and was wondering how many weeks pregnant people were when they received their letter for the booking appointment and scan? Im 9 weeks gone and havent heard anything from my docs yet and im starting to get really impatient, lol! Thanks.

I had mine through last week but I had to get the form from the midwife at my booking in appointment, Have you had yours yet?
Thanks for replying. I went to the docs when i first realised i was pregnant,at 5 weeks, and they said they would send an appointment out to me. I havent heard anything from them since though. Think I will wait another week and then phone them if I havent heard anything. Congrats on your little baby bear! X
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Thank you =).... yes I would deffinately chase if you have not heard anything as yet hun xx
Have you been in contact with your midwife yet? Depending on the area you live in, a normal 1st booking in appointment with her will be between 6-10 weeks. Then your paperwork will be filled out, bloods taken and form sent to the local EPU to arrange your viability scan. The date of this scan will be aimed to be arranged at approximately 12 weeks.
I would chase it up with your doctor's surgery now as the midwife would normally want to see you by now and you may have to allow time for booking in. For example, at the surgery where I work, the midwife is booking 3 weeks ahead at the mo due to the backlash from all the Christmas & New Year bank holidays.
Good luck.
i got my booking appot just short of being 8 weeks then a week later had my scan appot booked got a letter
Thanks so much everybody. I cant quite believe this has happened, but our post just arrived and i got my letter!! I have to go on 2nd feb for booking app and scan! So excited. Thanks again!
I bet your excited! Enjoy seeing your LO :) x
saw my doctor at 9 weeks and saw ym midwife bang on 12 weeks and had my scan at 13 weeks x
Glad you finally got your appointments through hun :D x x
I got my booking in appointment on Monday, don't lnow when our scan is yet :( x
Thanks again everybody. Babyem, in my area they do the booking appointment and scan on the same day, but i think a lot of places give you you're scan date at your booking appointment. Hopefully you will hear soon!

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