Scan at last!!!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Well after all the moaning about the midwife changing the ways things are done with this one, i saw her when i was spot on 12 weeks, and on friday i got my scan date through- its for tomorrow!!! not much notice but i am very excited, i will only be 13 weeks and that is quite quick for my hospital!!! :D :D :D :D :D

i'll let you all know how it goes, and how many there is! i have a fear its twins, my dad is a twin so i hope i dont have them- i wouldn't be gutted but i would choose not to have them if i could.

:D :D :D :D
You are so lucky I want a scan, hasnt been sorted yet cos i havent even met my midfife yet, shes popping over tomorow tho, cant wait to sort my first scan out, im ded excited. We are due about the same time i notice to, only a few days between us.

My mum keeps saying to me aswell, ohhh u mite have twins, cos there are twins in the family. god it wud be nice, but ive only jus got my head around havin one child never mind two, lol :lol:

Keep me posted on how ur keepin, and jope the scan goes well.

bec x x
thanks bec,

when i spoke to the midwife she was saying that they dont usually do the first scan til between 14-16 weeks!!
so it was a shock when it arrived
:D :D :D :D
I thinkk I shud have a scan soon after I seen the midfive, cos they tend to do them at 12 weeks around here, And if she says no, ill kick up a fuss, dnt thinkI can wait any longer, I want one nowwwww :lol: I am sooo impatient. Its going to kill me waiting for this baby to arrive, it has already felt like an iternity.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

bec x x
i know how you feel, its all just a waiting game, believe me it drags towards the end, i already have one and to top it off she was 10 days as well!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Let us know how you get on at the scan!!
Hope it goes well Yvonne, you'll have to let us know how much you blub, :lol:
Am i mean? i didn't blub but i was extremely happy, she said today i am 13 weeks and 2 days, the baby waved and was kicking about, but its funny cos i never felt it.

so i definately know i am not carrying twins and i am definately due 15th jan
:D :D :D :D
I didn't cry either, so I must be mean too!! I'm also due 15th Jan.

I have my first scan on Thursday and i am nervous. i dont know why i am so nervous as i already have two boys.

Why is it that as soon as you mention scan everyone says to you 'ha ha i bet youre having twins'.

i will let you know how i get on. hopefully they will give me my c section date as well so at least i know when heffalump (named from my sister in law and my 3 year old) is coming.


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