12 week scan all well


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Well had my scan last week, and im so relieved that i havent drempt all this up! I have found that we are now a week further along than i thought, so today im 13 weeks 4 days, I havent been able to change my ticker (technophobic!! LOL!!) yet, or i dont think i have, it prob still says 12 weeks?
It was so fab to see our baby rubbing its nose and moving around. as soon as i saw baby boo, and the heart beat i cried tears of total happiness and relief!
The scan picture was so clear, DF keeps a photo on his phone, so we are alwys looking at him/her. :D :D :D
That's brilliant news Hels, glad all is well. xx
yay! i know how you feel - we went for our first scan on wed and it is such an amazing feeling. we both burst out laughing when we saw our baby. It was upside down and asleep with it's tongue out. I don't know why but i feel like it's a little girl.

do you have any inckings?

Thanks Kim, How are you getting on??? Hope all ok?
Hi ToriElla, Yes I have an inckling its going to be a boy, no idea why at all!!! either way i dont care, just so happy to have got this far! x x x x x x x
Hiya Hels

Yeah I'm getting on great thanks. Hoping to feel those first flutters this week. Only 2 weeks 3 days until my next scan - can't wait!!
Aww! Thats excellent news! I saw my midwife for the first time this week and she said I will have my first scan in a couple of weeks. I am 9 weeks now. I am quite nervous about it really but excited, I think it will all feel more real once I have seen my little bean.

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