Saturday night chat *in here*


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Welcome to another night of Saturday night chat :yay: Last week was a huge success so hope to see you all again :yay:

Doors won't open til 8pm :dance:

Look forward to see you all :D
Thread is open, chat away :D

I'll be busy for another 10-15 minutes or so
Hey all - how are you? OH just popped out so wanted to get in and have a quickie!
It's starting dirty already :lol: A quickie? :rofl:

I'm just finishing my jobs so if I don't answer I'll be back in a mo :D

Anything on TV tonight?
I havent looked really, just got tiddler off to sleep after a raucous hour but all calm now - Ive put an order in for a Magnum icecream so as soon as that arrives Ill be stuffing my face and logging off :lol: might even go to bed and watch tv if OH feels like it :)
I'm just getting organised and ready to sit down. :)
Ok icecream has arrived, enjoy your evening ladies - one day I will be here for the duration :)
Ok I'm here now :lol: Enjoy your icecream hun :wave:

Is everyone gone out tonight?
Nope I'm in - OH is watching the winter olympics and little one asleep so peace at last!!! x
Alice is texting me and she's hammered by the sounds of it! :lol:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: At the theatre ? :lol:

Hey Karen, how's you? :)
Ha ha!!! Love it!!

Yeah I'm good thx - starting to feel a bit more human after the last couple of weeks and hopeful for the future which is good.

Off to see my brother and his family tomorrow - they live 4 hrs drive away so don't see them too often but they're at my mums which is only half an hour away so going there for the day. Can't wait to see my niece and nephew and for them to see my little one walking.

How's u?
Just opened a bottle of red....mmmmmm.... :)
She's a mare!

How's everyone's day been? Mines been ace! Found a car I'm really interested in and spent 3 hours watching my mother clean my kitchen!! :lol:
she was like a machine!! I dont think it's been cleaned like that since we bought the house! :lol:
I'm great Karen :)

I had abit of a manic one trying to sort things out to get this house on the market :yay:

What kind of car Lisa?
Is it on then Mamafy? I bet you cant wait :hug:

The car is a Mercedes ML270. In budget, all the bits we want and it's got DVD screens in the head rests so when we go on holidays with the caravan, the kids would be able to watch films while we listen to music in the front!! How cool???!!!!

Hark at you buying a merc lisa, and you were pleading poverty the other day, aye right, living in your mansion :rofl: xx

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