Saturday night chat *in here*

evening ladikes!!!!
what've i missed?" i'm assuming the reason this is still in the lounge is cos i'm not here yet?! well, i am now lmao! strangely i'm soberer now than i was a couple of hours ago...i almost fell asleep in the theatre!!
was the theatre good alice? and more importantly, did you get a snog? xx
it was good! althogh 3/4 a bottle of wine and half a bottle of powerade before i left the house didnt bode too well for the concert!! then i had 2 glasses of wine whilst we were there!! i seriously was nearly asleep, that or spewing :rofl:

and no, i didnt get a snog, i would have gladly jumped him 1/2 wahy thru. i think it tect lisa something along those lines :lol: a, glad i didnt tho, stopped off for a big mac on the way back :lol: i did send danny a rather rude text tho :rofl:
well my lovelies, i must retire to bed, i is fooked!! xx
Right, caught up, that was a bit easier than last week :D it is very quiet in here tonight, I'm at work which is my excuse... and next weeks :(
Loving the new avatar :D
mmm, cupcakes sound good, have got one sat here waiting to be devoured that a patient gave me tonight...
... oh also a chocolate cake too the DH hand delivered to work this morning... with the bunch of red roses:cloud9: I can't remember the last time I got bought flowers...

Glad u had a good night Alice

:D im a little bit drunk :D

whos still online??????????
so we were told Terrie :D have u had a good night?
me! obviously :lol:
im still at charls..not even home yet :rofl: :D no doubt youll have more drunken msgs from me once im home :D

how are you all???
u have just given me something to speed this night shift along :lol:
I would be even better if I were at home tucked up in bed :( funny thing is that this set of nights I have slept more than I have done in the last 2 weeks...
Do you have a cyber drink with this thread?? :lol: apart from those with bumps of course ahem!

Terrie won't be on she arrived at my house half pissed :merry:I had to feed her to calm her down :nerner: < she'll be scundered about that tomorrow :whistle:

:roll: pmsl ill get u back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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