

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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Sorry if this has been asked ecently but i haven't been online properly and have missed a lot of stuff. I was wondering how Sami and little Scarlet are doing? I hope they are well and they have been in my thoughts.
Hey sorry I haven't really been online that much and don't have alot of time to post these days.
Scarlett is ok, she's still on oxygen to help her breathe and still not great with a bottle but we're trying to get her there. She is still quite unstable with her saturations (most peoples are 98-100%, hers go from 40-100%!) but we're hoping as she gets bigger she will get stronger. She is gaining weight very slow and has been referred to a dietitian. She now weighs 3lb 6oz so still very small for her corrected gestation of 33+ weeks.
Hope everyone is well, congrats to all the new mums and to those who have got their BFP's. xxx
God Sami fair play to you for keeping us all updated I am sure you have very little spare time but we really appreciate it and are keeping everything crossed and praying for little Scarlet that everything sorts itself out and she'll be home with her family very soon. take care and best wishes. :hug:
Awww Sami, she sounds like a little fighter :cheer:

I hope you are okay too, and coping alright with the travel etc....lots of love to you & your family :hug: :hug:
glad Scarletts ok sami, hope to hear that shes home with u and the boys soon ! :hug:
So glad Scarlett is ok, take care of yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
So pleased to read your update Sami, it can't be easy for you at the moment and I am hoping that Scarlett continues to grow stronger and that you have her home with you and your family in no time.


Valentine xxx
Glad she's doing so well honey, right lil fighter she is! The travel must be taking it out of u, aswell as looking after Damien! Cant wait til she's home and settled!
Love and hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for taking the time to reply Sami, i'm so pleased Scarlett is doing well and gaining weight. My friends little boy was born at 29 weeks a month ago and hes the same weight, 2 little fighters. Wish you both well and love to your growing family xx
nice to hear from you hunni...she is such a little fighter and well done to you & Mark for being so strong :) You guys have been so much and come through it so well.

Hope Damien is doing well too....he must be getting big now!!!

take care you 4!

:hug: :hug:
aww its nice to hear from you hun - im glad Scarlett is doing well :D :hug:
she has definitely got her mummy's fighting spirit.

glad she is gaining weight, wont be long until you get your little princess home. big hugs to Damien, big brother.

ah sami :hug:

im really glad everything is going well for you hun, take care :hug: :hug:

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