Sami & Damien and Minikins & Dominic

Both beautiful little lads! Damiens a little cuteie pie and Dominic seams so happy all the time always that same lovely smile on his face.

You must be proud both of have gorgous sons xx
Sorryyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not been on here - was SO knackered on saturday after my bloody drive to Minikin's house!! :lol:


Me and Minikins had arranged to meet up Wednesday, but I had to cancel so we decided Friday instead. We planned to meet half way in Slough shopping centre. So Friday comes and off I toodle in the car at 9am to Slough. Got lost, ended up follwing the A332 to Windsor, so came back and got to Slough at 10:45am. Was supposed to meet Minkins and Dom at 10:30am so I thought she was gonna be peeved I was late!! :lol:

I turned up outside Boots (our designated meeting area) and she wasn't there. So I hung around for 15minutes before ringing her house. She made up some halerious story (still makes me giggle thinking about it Minkins!!) before coming clean and admitting she was at home. She had sent me and email to CANCEL the day or so before, but as I've been a useless ninny and not been checking the net very often at the moment I didn't get it.

Basically, we decided that as I had come that far I may aswell go all the way to her house to meet up and she would cancel her afternoon plans and re-arrange it for this week (because she felt so guilty I had driven all that way!). So off I went, AGAIN. Then I got stuck in traffic for an HOUR!!!!!!!! Was ready to turn around and come home till Minkins bribed me with the promise of cakes and sarnies from Tesco's :lol:

Finally got there at 1:30pm, over FOUR HOURS AFTER I SET OUT! Was very well worth the journey I can tell you. Had such a fab day and was great to see Big D and little D next to eachother :D They were fascinated by eachother and kept babbling and talking to eachother. Baby Mozart is great! I have ordered every single DVD they have produced now online (from a wonderful online auction website :wink: )

The journey back was smooth and took 2 hours even with a slight bit of 40mph traffic. The route is via M25 and then onto M1 though so not surprising!

You're coming to mine next Minkins!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry it was delayed, had such a wonderful day. Pictures of us two together next time hun :) Oh, and thanks for the pics you emailed me, they are fab :D
Blimey Sami I thought the late response was because you were stuck in traffic again ;)

Was lovely to see you guys too at last innit :)

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