Sami & Damien and Minikins & Dominic


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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We all met up today for the first time after speaking to each other for over a year now on the net and phone.

The arrangements were chaotic, I will let Sami explain, in the meantime here is the evidence of the boys together :)

It says the link is no longer available. I wanna see!!!!! :D

Great pic :lol:

One of them babies looks a lot like Phoebe's boyfriend :wink:
Dont they look sweet! - getting so grown up as well!? Scary how time flys. I have been on the forum for almost a year - cant believe how fast it has gone. :shock:

Hope you all had a nice time meeting up.

I am meeting Petchy next week and really looking forward to it!

L x
awww arn't they adorable.

baby boys are so cute.
I know I want a boy next time. Great piccy, what a beaming smile from dominic.
lol :lol: OH rekons were not having another one - He'll be in for a surprise then coz I AM having 2 more! :D
aw bless they have lots of fun?

me and sami are hopefully meeting up soon.

cant wait to see Damo and Dior play together
Awww bless them they are too cute :D

Isn't it great that so many of us have met up and become great friends. I don't know what I would have done without you guys over the last year, especially Yvonne, she's my best buddy now :D
Great picture!!! Hope you had a lovely time!
This forum is great, isn't it! you get to know people you would not have even spoken to otherwise!
It's nice to make friends!
Mel xx
I want to meet up with someone....its not fair!!!!
I'd meet up with you Beanie, but I haven't a clue where Staffordshire is lol

I bet it's miles away though :(
Yeah I have met two great people from here Sami and Sarah Belly and they are both lovely and so are their little boys :)

Little & Large

Lol at that pic :D

Staffordshire is just above the West Midlands. I live near Stafford, about 40 mins from Stoke-on-Trent
i live in manchester are we far apart?

iv just got a new tom tom sat nav on kris phone for the car all i need is post code and area and it tells me in hrs mins and seconds are long it takes.. and the shortest way to get there :)

there great
Yay, I am about 40 mins from Birmingham by train if that is any use whatsoever. My OH used to go to Coventry to work but he's gone out so I can't ask him how far it is :(

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