I have been trying to get Noah to eat the same food as us now at dinner time when ever possible, instead of keep giving him jars all the time, stuff like rice, pasts, tuna, chicken and cheese etc. So he sits at the table like the rest of us at meal times. But Im a bit confused about salt, I know that babies kidneys are to imature to process salt and it can be very harmfull to them, so you shoudnt add salt to cooking. But I know a lot of people recomend giving marmite on toast to babies, but when I looked on the back of the marmite jar, salt is the second highest ingredient!!! So I dont understand?!?! I have fed noah baked beans as part of his dinner and he has had sweet and sour chicken with rice, both of which have small quantities of salt and I dont know if I should do that or not. Can anyone advise?