

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Hi Girls,

You all probably know this but just thought id let you know theres a sale on in Babies R Us some stuff like buggies, moses baskets etc incl bottles are up to half price....saw a beautiful moses basket for 25 quid reduced for 49.99!!
Thanks for that Nikki, don't suppose you know how long the sales on for do you? X x x
Ah we went yesterday they had the hauck Winnie the pooh travel system for £179 I was so excited but too soon to buy it yet :-(
Ah we went yesterday they had the hauck Winnie the pooh travel system for £179 I was so excited but too soon to buy it yet :-(

I bought my travel system a week and a half ago because it was a good deal. I'm currently only buying stuff when I know I'm getting a major discount on it. For example I found a posh infant seat for half price and snapped it up. Glad I did because the price went back up a few days later. I'm keeping an eye on Hot UK Deals website for other stuff coming up. A friend whose recently had a little boy says its also good for finding the nappy deals.

I'll do the proper shopping a bit later on nearer Tri3.
that's what we done today, bought the steriliser set. it makes sense to wait but at the same time we couldn't walk away knowing we'd be paying double the price in a few months time xx
I just do t want travel system In house yet we have bought loads of other stuff
Well mum and dad said we can keep it at there's so we may go get it on the weekend
Im just a tight-wad MrsMc. Don't get between me and a sales loool.
Thanks for that Nikki, don't suppose you know how long the sales on for do you? X x x

Well we asked how long the sales were going to last for in babies r us and the woman said sales come and go so basically she had no idea. Shame because although id love to get stuff now at 16 weeks firstly pay day isnt till friday and second i dont know if its too early. will probs wait til 20 week scan :) xxx
Ok thanks, we have agreed that we will wait until the test and probably until we get the test results back before we buy anymore stuff x x x
Ok thanks, we have agreed that we will wait until the test and probably until we get the test results back before we buy anymore stuff x x x

omg what test results??! i thought the 20 week scan was simple :(

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