Safe to Conceive

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Sep 23, 2007
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Hello Ladies,

I hope it's okay for me to post since I'm a guy, but I've been searching online for answers to my questions to no avail.

My wife and I would like to start trying to have our first child, however, I had an accident earlier this week. I managed to cut myself fairly badly with a knife while in the kitchen and had to go to the hospital and had some skin/meat on a finger stitched back on. I lost a decent amount of blood, but feel okay now.

With my body in a recovery mode, is it still safe to try to conceive? I know it is not recommended to try while you are sick, but I wasn't sure about our situation.

To give you some more info, we are both in our early 30's and in good health. It wouldn't be a big deal if we waited another month or two, however, we'd just prefer to have the baby before the middle of summer if possible before it gets really hot around here.

Any help/insight would be appreciated. :)
Well to be honest (just my opinion) i think just give yourself another week or so and then give it a go. i wouldnt say there is any time limit, but like if you said your feeling ok in yourself then go for long as you feel your body has healed and got over the experience. i would say 1 or 2 months is a fairly long time to wait but then its what you and your wife feels right. hope this helps x
sperm is actually made about 72 days b4 its used so you should be ok.
you should be fine - check any medication you're on and if it does mention conceiving check with a pharmicist it only refers to women :wink:
My wife will be fertile later this week, so if we don't try it now, we'll have to wait until next month. With the exception of my hurting hand, I feel perfectly fine both mentally and physically. I'm just worried about whether conceiving now will give a higher chance of having an unhealthy child.

I'll have to check about the meds (painkiller and anti-biotic).
check the meds but there's no reason why not- sperm are produced in the man's bits months before they're dispensed, so this won't effect them. :)
hello! :wave:
sorry i dont kno much about ttc (im kinda gatecrashing this section lol) but me and my boyf had an unplanned pregnancy and we used 2 take all kindsa recreational drugs- both of us while we conceived and me into my pregnancy before i found out- and we hav a healthy little girl (luckily!) so i doubt very much painkillers or antibiotics would harm the baby. good luck trying, and enjoy baby-making! :wink:

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