Safe arts and crafty things to do with toddlers


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Really want to do more hands-on stuff with Lizzie but she just puts everything in her mouth!
Any ideas for things to do that are safe lol? Are there paints available that are ok if she swallows some?
Also I would home made playdoh be ok? I don't think she'd eat huge amounts but you never know :shock:

It's either that or we start doing something that's supposed to be fun and ends up with me just going 'No Lizzie!' the whole time!
My best friend's little on is just under 1 and does the same haha! Everything goes into his mouth! But she got giant paper and laid it all down across half of her living room, got some 'safe' paints, squirted some down and let him walk, crawl, sit, roll whatever in it :). He was so distracted by the colours he forgot he could try to eat it haha!! You could try that :). It was great fun!!! Super messy too which is always a bonus!

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Yes you can get toxic free paints. What about some musical instruments, elc do a lovely set or home made, bottle shakers, plastic bowls, pans wooden spoons etc
Play dough will be fine, even store brought stuff. Drawing and painting. What about making pizzas? Just have a fair few things for her to put in and she can eat a few and put some on the pizza! Then decorating a digestive with icing (which you can do beforehand and let it set a little) and then get some sprinkles and sweets for her to put on?

Messy play? So shaving foam or jelly. Oh and corn flour and water makes a gloop which is really weird. Just water as well! Maybe put some food colouring in 3 bowls and add glitter to one or beads in another etc.
What about salt dough, you can make it yourself, then bake it if you wanna keep bits.
Thanks for all the ideas girlies!
I think I've raised a clean freak though - I just made some lovely pink playdough and she refused to touch it! And when I put some in her hand she dropped it, wiped her hand on her jumper, and gave me a really dirty look! Haha :lol:

I'll defo buy some cheap shaving foam though, sounds like fun!
My lo's the same hates dirty hands!! What's the ratio of cornflour to water as I'd love I give it a go! What about colourin or drawing? H loves sitting in his highchair with a bowl and wooden spoon/ whisk while I bake cakes and he certainly enjoys sampling them when their done!!!
we make paint out of yoghurt and safe food dye. very messy though!!

there is a facebook page called playful parenting or something like that which has lots of ideas, can't wait til she is older!!!

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