Sad to be posting here - how long did you bleed?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Although I've not had anything 100% confirmed I'm sure I have miscarried :(

Saw the doc Thurs with spotting which progressed to bleeding yesterday. This morning I had bad cramps and a clot fell into the toilet. Since then my pains have gone and bleeding is there but not massively heavy.

Surely I would bleed longer than this or would the clot be the end of it? I was 6 weeks but not had any symptoms so not sure how far I progressed.

My scan with epau isn't until weds.

I just hate this limbo but sure it's all over with the massive bleed. :(
So sorry - I know limbo is the worst part. I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I spotted / light bleeding for a day then had severe cramping (ended up in hospital due to complication) and passed a big clot, after that I bled for 6 more days about the same heaviness as my regular period. Everyone is different - I think it's quite unusual to have to go to hospital for a miscarriage as early as six weeks, I'd say if you've already passed a big clot and now just have bleeding it should taper off in the same way a period would. But despite it being quite traumatic when I actually miscarried - my body appears to have recovered quite quickly - I ovulated again just 17 days after my miscarriage (normal ov day is cd16) so trust in your body. I was advised to take a hpt after the bleeding stopped to ensure it was negative (which it was). I think this is a good indication that there's no 'pregnancy material' left in your womb that could pose risk to infection. If you're a real worrier like me, you could request an HCG blood test to ensure levels have dropped right down to non-pregnant. Look after yourself xxx
Oops - Just seen you have a scan Wednesday, that should be even more conclusive than blood test and give you peace of mind. Thinking of you xxx
Thanks summer, sorry for your loss. Hopefully you'll get your bfp soon!!

I never got to see my clot so not sure of the size but it dropped out and sunk and pains subsided. Some mild cramps again now. I hope weds shows the all clear. I start back work off mat leave after next week so just want it to be done :(
Hi hun, sorry to hear you're going through this. I had similar at 6 weeks with my first pregnancy and was sure it was all over but a scan at 6 weeks 3 days showed an embryo with a slow heartbeat. I was really surprised as it showed that the embryo was still developing when I thought it couldn't possibly be. Unfortunately the next scan was bad news but lots of ladies go own to have good news after bleeding and I was just unlucky. Hope things work out for you xx
Ahh thanks hun!! It would be absolutely amazing if something was there but I'm holding no hope with the bleeding I have!! I'm taking heart that I got pregnant as took 2 years first time!!

My scan feels like so long away though and only then will I really have a definitive answer.
Hi hun sorry your going through this. Im also going through it atm. I had spotting for a few days but the proper pains and red bleeding started a week ago today. The bleeding has been really heavy all week, especially round about the times im passing clots. Tonight tho Iv noticed the bleeding has tailed off a bit so im hoping this is it xx
I'm so sorry Claire :(

I spotted for 2 days which got to light bleeding Friday, heavy bleeding and pain sat morning with a clot and now light bleeding (still period like). I've woken up to pains in my left hand side and down low in my pelvis too.

I only had the one large clot and no more since.

How are you feeling emotionally? Hope your ok hun x
To be honest I think its all just sinking in now. Its been a week since iv known for sure its a miscarriage and iv been ok apart from the odd teary moment but today everything just seems a bit shit! Doesn't help im at work today :( I have a 2 year old daughter tho so that helps to keep my mind off it!

How are you? Xx
It still feels very surreal to me, like I was never pregnant. Sounds awful but I struggled to fall with my little girl and never thought id have her so I just feel blessed that I have her!! It's her first birthday Tuesday so I just want to feel ok for that for her. I'm back to work from mat leave after next week too.

Like you say your little ones keep your mind off it and I'm just concentrating on her x
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Omg Laura, I can't believed I missed your BFP and now this very sad post. I had Jess in hospital for 5 days and it through me into a wobbly for a few weeks.

I think each MC is different as each of mine had different bleeding patterns. Its horrible not knowing how long its going to go on for. If you need to talk, you know where I am. xxxx
Thanks Fliss, hope Jess is all better now.

I've a scan weds so hopefully I'll know more after that. Bleeding like a period now and only one clot yesterday so am thinking pregnancy didn't get too far along :(

Thanks for thinking of me xx
Ohhh no hun I am so sorry :-( I hope after your scan you can start to move forward from this xx
Big hugs xx
Thanks hun. I'm so glad I've got my little girl to concentrate on.

How are you getting on with your lovely boys x
They are a handful but wouldn't change them.

From a positive view you fell pregnant naturally and unexpectedly so there's no reason why it won't happen again xx
Your so right and I keep trying to remember that. I never even thought Id have Emily so to fall so quick was amazing!! We only started as thought could take years again!!

Ahh they look so cute together!! Xx
Only just seen this so sorry hun big hugs to u.

Thanks michelle. I'm hoping it's a good sign that maybe we won't take as long this time. I think I'm going to give my body some time as id hate for it to happen again :( xx
So sorry to hear Laura. It's awful not knowing one way or the other. :( I had a missed miscarriage at about 8 weeks and whilst I didn't miscarry naturally (I had the tablets rather than a ERPC) I was really surprised about how much blood and clots there were for such an early pregnancy but although it was an awful process I did see that I had passed the sac and that gave me some closure. I know it doesn't sound very positive at the moment but you have managed to get pregnant again and relatively quickly so you know it can happen again. All the best for your scan today. Thinking of you. xxx
Ahh thanks dotty! I actually only had one clot and didn't bleed tons but scan today confirmed I've miscarried. My hcg betas are being done just to check they are dropping. Like you say though I do feel positive I fell pregnant so quickly as never thought I would after last time. That gives me some hope. It's my last week of mat leave so I'm determined to enjoy my little girl. Thanks for your message xxx

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