russel brand & jonathan ross suspended.

If anyone should be sacked it should be the producer that decided to air it as the part of the show in question was prerecorded.
I've already said it in the other thread to but will say it here anyway. Apparently Russell Brand has now resigned from his Radio 2 slot. I think that is quite sad.
SarahH said:
If anyone should be sacked it should be the producer that decided to air it as the part of the show in question was prerecorded.

I agree!. They shouldn't have done it in the first place but someone, somewhere will have decided to air it. Yes it was already on his machine but that didn't make it right that the world had to hear it.
saw it earlier, have no sympathy for him. he was a bit of a tool and is merely facing the consequences. I think he has been the sacrificial lamb for Rossy though.
beanie said:
I don't understand what the girl has to do with this - other then she was the victimin this?? She was obviously approached by the papers for her side, can she not have her say?

Doesn't she have Max Clifford as her PR? Which kind of wakes the cynic in me again...
I think she knows exactly what she is doing, she didnt need to do a tits taped interview to the paper, she could have just said her peice and left it at that.

I think a lot worse has been done than this in the past and the fact it is front page of everything is just mental.
Dont get me wrong i feel bad for Andrew Sachs but he has had apologies and accepted both, should just have been left at that. His granddaughter like i say knows exactly what she is doing, and i think someone has already said it, but i wouldnt be suprised if she was in on it all.
it was ross that said the thing!!!!!!! :evil:

beanie's right, russell was just sacrificed so they can keep rossy :(
Flame said:
His granddaughter like i say knows exactly what she is doing, and i think someone has already said it, but i wouldnt be suprised if she was in on it all.

right not only is she cashing in on her grandad being upset, she is also now in on it. Perhaps her and Russell plotted this during a post coital cigarette, deciding that he and Jonathon Ross would ridicule her on radio (she has obviously arranged it so he would appear on the Russell Brand show), and leave messages on his answerphone. She obviously bribed the producer to continue to broadcast it despite not having written consent from Andrew Sachs, and hired Max Clifford to help her out. All this for an interview in the Sun :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

I find it really sad that instead of being upset at a couple of grown men making abusive phonecalls to an elderly man, members of the public are excusing their behaviour and are instead focusing on the grand daughter (who is a victim in this) and blaming it on her. She obviously asked for it then. :talkhand: The comments on the sun website and her bebo account are shocking and show a very narrow minded view. I really do think that if she was a librarian or something she would not have had half of the crap she has.
beanie said:
Flame said:
His granddaughter like i say knows exactly what she is doing, and i think someone has already said it, but i wouldnt be suprised if she was in on it all.

right not only is she cashing in on her grandad being upset, she is also now in on it. Perhaps her and Russell plotted this during a post coital cigarette, deciding that he and Jonathon Ross would ridicule her on radio (she has obviously arranged it so he would appear on the Russell Brand show), and leave messages on his answerphone. She obviously bribed the producer to continue to broadcast it despite not having written consent from Andrew Sachs, and hired Max Clifford to help her out. All this for an interview in the Sun :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

I find it really sad that instead of being upset at a couple of grown men making abusive phonecalls to an elderly man, members of the public are excusing their behaviour and are instead focusing on the grand daughter (who is a victim in this) and blaming it on her. She obviously asked for it then. :talkhand: The comments on the sun website and her bebo account are shocking and show a very narrow minded view. I really do think that if she was a librarian or something she would not have had half of the crap she has.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

i'm not a feminist by any means, but i'm actually finding it really quite sad that so many women are eager to trash ms baillie with suggestions like she's "in on it all" and that she's sold out for cash. i honestly feel that its a rather sad reflection on our society today. any cynicism should be placed soley at the door of the british media, not the people who (against their express wishes) were humiliated on national radio.

i've spent all my working life in tv & radio, with the last 5 years in current affairs. i know how it works.

as beanie says, if ms baillie was a librarian or a teacher, would she get this sort of flack? i very much doubt it. which leaves me to wonder what it is that's driving people's vitriol... jealousy perhaps? :think: :think:

how many people here would willingly humiliate their grandfather for cash??? i mean, seriously?? :talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand:

as i think has already been said on this thread, the only reason that this story has taken off in such a big way is because its a welcome distraction from the alternative doom & gloom stories about the current credit crunch. had the american election been a few days earlier, this probably wouldn't even have made page 7 in the papers.
There's a surprise, she's in the sun today saying brand was a 'dissapointment' in bed.. I'm sure that's really relevant to the whole thing eh? I'm sure that really affects her Grandfather :think:
if someone did it to me "a disappointment in bed" would be the mildest insult i could come up with. i would relish tell a national paper that his willy was a funny shape, smelled and the whole thing was over in 30 seconds. ad that he insisted on me calling him mother throughout whilst he would only address me as Bernard.

i hope she does get something positive out of it.
Why is everyone still up in arms on this? The guy Sachs was on TV saying he had received "lovely, very lovely letters and phone calls" from both Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross and he has accepted there apologise... if he is man enough to accept their apologise why is half the country not.... where to be perfectly frank it has bugger all to do with us!
SarahH said:
Why is everyone still up in arms on this? The guy Sachs was on TV saying he had received "lovely, very lovely letters and phone calls" from both Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross and he has accepted there apologise... if he is man enough to accept their apologise why is half the country not.... where to be perfectly frank it has bugger all to do with us!

i know!!! i just wish that girl would stop trying to grasp onto her 5 mins of fame :wall:
beanie said:
if someone did it to me "a disappointment in bed" would be the mildest insult i could come up with. i would relish tell a national paper that his willy was a funny shape, smelled and the whole thing was over in 30 seconds. ad that he insisted on me calling him mother throughout whilst he would only address me as Bernard.

i hope she does get something positive out of it.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i just hope people stop slagging her off. its sad.
anything that gets that twat brand out of broadcasting is a good thing! I think its pretty fucking sick, but the ultimate responsibility must lie with the producers/powers that be that let this shit be broadcast.

I actually like J Ross's radio show on a sat...i have the radio on all day usually.
SarahH said:
Why is everyone still up in arms on this? The guy Sachs was on TV saying he had received "lovely, very lovely letters and phone calls" from both Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross and he has accepted there apologise... if he is man enough to accept their apologise why is half the country not.... where to be perfectly frank it has bugger all to do with us!

They broadcast it on radio where it was heard by the public, and they are paid by the bbc who fund this through the tv licence so it has a lot to do with the public.
beanie said:
SarahH said:
Why is everyone still up in arms on this? The guy Sachs was on TV saying he had received "lovely, very lovely letters and phone calls" from both Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross and he has accepted there apologise... if he is man enough to accept their apologise why is half the country not.... where to be perfectly frank it has bugger all to do with us!

They broadcast it on radio where it was heard by the public, and they are paid by the bbc who fund this through the tv licence so it has a lot to do with the public.

They didnt broadcast it..... the BBC producers did!! As it was all pre-recorded and Sachs has accepted the apologise, if the producers hadnt broadcast it the public would have been non the wiser!
I bet you any money the Government are putting a hugely unpopular bill through parliament right now, or introducing some new law. Something is going on in the background and this is the diversion for us all.......

Me, cynical? Never!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
They didnt broadcast it..... the BBC producers did!! As it was all pre-recorded and Sachs has accepted the apologise, if the producers hadnt broadcast it the public would have been non the wiser!

I agree :clap:

Whoever allowed it to be broadcast has a lot to answer for!

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