russel brand & jonathan ross suspended.

beanie said:
If I had slept with Russell Brand (eew)


nah, i think its more like shes sellin herself with pics and interviews, did she actually sleep with him?
fair play tho, she will get a nice big cheque for her say anyhow - its the beeb comin under fire for broadcastin the calls et all
She has conformed that she was with Russel Brand, though he had brought that to the publics attention before then. She has said in the sun online what she thinks of them. I haven't read the actualpaper, I presume she has given all lurid details of their time together then? And posed in her underwear especially for the sun and they haven't used photographs from her modelling?
mummykay said:
i agree with sarah, we have all seen media whores (jodie marsh, anyone off BB) and who knows what money is swappin hands under the table.


mummykay said:
point of the matter is that andrew sachs shouldnt have had to listen to that filth, id be mortified and wantin to kick someones head in if they did that to my grandad :evil:

And I agree with this - I do feel sorry for him and I did say in my first post that what they did was stupid!
Ooopsy, i forgot about this post as i looked in the entertainment section and now there are two :oops:
Oh and by the way.... a normal "kiss and tell" on russell brand wouldnt make a whole load of money as there are so many on offer.... I would say £2500 max,

this on the other hand would make 10 times that!

SarahH said:
Oh and by the way.... a normal "kiss and tell" on russell brand wouldnt make a whole load of money as there are so many on offer.... I would say £2500 max,

this on the other hand would make 10 times that!


yep, she's onto a winner with this one :wink:
I love Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross but this is a step too far.

I read the Bebo page and couldn't believe how angry, venemous and judgemental some people are. It's pretty disappointing really. I shouldn't be surprised but really.

Poor girl and poor Andrew Sachs. If my Grandad got a call like that, he'd be shocked, upset and frightened. If things like that were said about me, I'd be upset and very angry.

The Grandaughter has every right to air her views and I just don't understand where along the lines, she became the 'baddie' in all of this. :think:

As for Gordon Brown getting involved....oh perlease. :wall: Now THAT'S someone trying to milk the situation for publicity.
I think it was mean.
The guy is 78 for goodness sake. It's unfair and nasty to do something like that to an old man, who bounced the girl on his knee when she was 5 or whatever. It's not in good taste at all. How would you feel if some arrogant twat phoned up your grandad and started going on about how he'd slept with you? It's horrible.

On saying that, I DO think it has been blown out of context. As tasteless as it was, they aren't the only people on radio and TV who come out with stuff like that
I think those messages were disgusting and that something has to be done to show that abuse like that is wrong. The complaints have increased since the media got hold of the story but despite complaints stuff like that should NOT be allowed. I'm not a Brand fan but I expected better of them both.
I have nothing but sympathy for the Sachs family.
LucyBee said:
The Grandaughter has every right to air her views and I just don't understand where along the lines, she became the 'baddie' in all of this. :think:

As for Gordon Brown getting involved....oh perlease. :wall: Now THAT'S someone trying to milk the situation for publicity.

my thoughts Lucy are that because of what she does for a living she has been painted as a baddie. Disappointing that people still do that but not surprising.

And yes I agree about GB, he is the only media whore here.

As for the BBC going overboard - I do think they have only done this as a reaction to the public which is a shame but if I had made abusive phonecalls to an elderly man, and had done this at my place of work I would have been sacked straight away. Not sure why these two are any different, esp with Russell Brand having a habit of this.
Im with Beanie on this. I dont understand why this girl is being vilified at all. She did nothing wrong, seriously why shouldnt she have her say, it was Brand and Ross that dragged her into this when they left vile messages on an old mans answerphone.
I think Brand is a nasty little cretin at the best of times but this was just beyond disgusting. Im amazed that anyone found it funny at all. Jonathan Ross should have been sacked not suspended as should the person who allowed it to be broadcast.
zebrastripes said:
On saying that,I've just had a look at her modelling page, she's certainly not shy
Honestly what does that have to do with this? So she models and isnt afraid of showing what she's got. Good for her, if i could make money for doing nowt then id consider it too! How does that change the fact that two grown men left disgusting messages on a pensioners answerphone? She may not be shy but i doubt very much she wanted her grandad to listen to that!
Melanie said:
zebrastripes said:
On saying that,I've just had a look at her modelling page, she's certainly not shy
Honestly what does that have to do with this? So she models and isnt afraid of showing what she's got. Good for her, if i could make money for doing nowt then id consider it too! How does that change the fact that two grown men left disgusting messages on a pensioners answerphone? She may not be shy but i doubt very much she wanted her grandad to listen to that!

I didn't mean that. i think some of those picture are pretty cool. And ofc that doesn't mean she wants her grandad to know. I take it most people's grandad are aware,on a superficial level, that they have a sex life,etc, but it's your grandad!

What I was getting at was more, if she's a model, then the publicity might end up being a good thing for her. Any publicity is good publicity etc. it still doesn't excuse what they did
she appears to be making a successful enough career on her own without help from Brand and Ross. She is hot!!!!
LucyBee said:
If my Grandad got a call like that, he'd be shocked, upset and frightened. If things like that were said about me, I'd be upset and very angry.

My Grandad would gimme a slap for sleeping with such a minger...........

But seriously its all over the news, the papers...Im bored of it already! :roll:
Melanie said:
Im with Beanie on this. I dont understand why this girl is being vilified at all. She did nothing wrong, seriously why shouldnt she have her say, it was Brand and Ross that dragged her into this when they left vile messages on an old mans answerphone.
I think Brand is a nasty little cretin at the best of times but this was just beyond disgusting. Im amazed that anyone found it funny at all. Jonathan Ross should have been sacked not suspended as should the person who allowed it to be broadcast.

me too melanie.

i think ross & brand were crude and very, very unfunny. its actually the producer's responsibility for letting that stuff go out on air - but he was 25 - what chance he'd have stood at telling them that their segment couldn't air i don't know. but andrew sachs complained BEFOREHAND so it was pretty reprehensible for it to be broadcast. why the senior producer didn't get involved at this point i have no idea... i can only think that the chain of command at bbc radio has gone awry and needs to get sorted before anyone else gets hurt like this again. heads should rightly roll. if this had happened outside of the media, the police would have been involved.

the granddaughter is now in the press because if she doesn't have her say, the papers will make up quotes from her instead. if it was you, what would you rather??

its all very well to be cynical (gordon brown - WTF?) but i think the press deserve our cynicism in this case, rather than the granddaughter.
there was a man on gmtv who does pranks like this and he said what they do is take a recording of the answering machine message and then pretend they are leaving a mesage. Has the grandfather actually said anything about it? I only really found out about this today ,I heard that his grandaughter said that when he heard about it he was upset. So did he not actually hear it. I personally think she has blown it all up out of proportion for her career as she has sold her story.A lot of money is being made on this I bet. xxx
my understanding of it is this:

the messages were actually left on his machine pre-broadcast. andrew sachs didn't find it either funny or tasteful and asked for it not to be broadcast. i don't think it matters whether he actually heard them or not.

the messages were broadcast anyway.

andrew sachs gets v upset by this, as does his granddaughter. i'd be LIVID if someone deliberately upset my granddad like that.

georgina baillie then gets slated for being asked for her opinion. she has a choice - stay quiet and let the press hounds follow her everywhere whilst making up stories about her.

or tell her side of the story (and yes, get paid for it - but then ross & brand's stupid stunt wasn't her idea was it?) and be left - relatively - alone, but then get slated for selling her story whilst also being a burlesque dancer, as that obviously just makes her a money-grabbing attention whore.

sorry, the bbc were very wrong in this case :talkhand: :talkhand:
I reckon the bbc should have put them on suspension as soon as it aired, not aired it in the first place, put out a public apology and vowed to get to the bottom of it themselves before ofcom stepped in and the complaints racked up. Its hurrendous, sack them they dont need it and doing anything but that will say its alright to terrorise that poor bloke !

On the other hand i think the media attention in this is ridiculous, its disgusting what happened and i think the publicity is more a case of them not being penalised for it than anything else and the fact Mr sacks asked specifically for it not to be broadcast only for some higher up to decide to ignore him, BUT some murders get less publicity than this and thats not quite right in my eyes !

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