Rusks, where are you?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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Hi babe :wave:

How did your appointment go?

Hope you're OK, what is the schedule of care in your area?

Any idea when your scan is?

I am meeting my MW on the 14th Aug and I should be having my scan around then too, although still waiting for that appoinment!

Hope to hear from you soon hun :hug: xx
Hi Tam and all

My booking in appointment went fine really exciting. I've been on nights so haven't been on here much sorry for the delay. :sleep:

I have a scan around 12-14 weeks waiting for the appointment, and have another one at 20 weeks, everyone is offered a blood test for downs and spina bifida at 16 weeks and we have to decide if we want this even though im only 25. Anyone else offered this and if so what have you decided? :think:
had all the freebies and bounty pack which was great, sent off for a load of free stuff so see what happens. :dance:

I see the midwife at 15-16 week after scan, 25 weeks for an antenatal check and 28 weeks for an antenatal then from then i see her more regularly, but they have drop in clinics every week if we have any problems and there is numbers to ring 24hours a day, i think the care is fantastic. :D

So waiting for the date for the scan!! can't wait. thanks for thinking of me, i feel more pregnant now i have my own set of notes!! :clap:

Lisa xx :wave:
Hey Rusks,

I was told about that spina bifida test thing but I want to do it definately
we r very similar in dates rusks lol our babies might be born on the same day imagine that lol
I loved the bounty pack it was cool, hows ur morning sickness because i have absoluetly none now its rather strange, I still cant stand to see or smell eggs or mayo though :puke:
hi becks the morning sicknesss is hovering in the background but is much more bearable thanks. still feel incredibly tired but am also on nights so that doesn't help!!

i think i will go for the test as it is offered there is so much to think about though.

Yes we might well be giving birth together!! i have a feeling they may put me back on my scan though as my cycle was longer but we'll see i'll adjust my dates if i have too!! (hope they don't put me back too much!)
I got my 1st scan on the 8th of august, I hope i dont get put back as i'm getting used to my dates lol hopefully all will be well but i'm scared to of going to the scan.
whens urs?
hi becks yes this is my first baby, i haven't got the scan date yet waiting for it to come through. yours isn't very far away is it!! :dance:

i know what you mean i am getting used to my dates as well so i hope they don't adjust them too much, will have to wait and see x :wink:
Awww Lisa I am glad things went well, the care does sound great babe, very similar to mine!!! Very pleased you have your own set of notes and therefore feel more pregnant :lol: I wont get mine til I see my midwife on the 14th Aug! :cry:

I hope your dates dont get mucked about too much, it is great us being so close together!!!!!! :(

So we are both still waiting on our scan this space eh babe? :wink:

Take care hun & speak soon xx

Good luck with your scan becks xx
Hey Lis,

Glad the booking went well for you it makes everything seem that much more real doesnt it???!!!

Any of you having nuchal scans to give you your risk for downs?? They are good, my risk started off at 1 in 1000 and went down to 1 in 4000 after scan its reassuring if you get a low risk result.

Good luck at your scans girls you will love it xxx
Hi Jaidy Baby,

I am having the nuchal scan to find out the chances, I had it last time too. Not only that it's a good excuse to see the baby for the first time eh? :wink: I can't wait!! :cheer:

How are you feeling? Any idea of the date of your next scan yet? xx
did you guys have to pay for the nuchal scan? cos if i want one i have to go private. i won't go for it unless blood results come back not good if you see what i mean. never knew we were offered so much at our ages. :clap:
rusks said:
did you guys have to pay for the nuchal scan? cos if i want one i have to go private. i won't go for it unless blood results come back not good if you see what i mean. never knew we were offered so much at our ages. :clap:

NO WAY.....I am not paying, it is standard practice here!!! It was when I lived in East Anglia too!!! My Nuchal scan is to check the thickness at the back of the neck (for Down's, this will determine if I need bloods done at 16 weeks) and I will also have the dating done, (which I am hoping I am spot on with).

I think this is all so ridiculaous when you pay your taxes and dont get services due to the health authority not having enough money.......then where is your money going?? :x

The only scan we will be paying for is the 4D scan.

We are obviously very lucky in this area, and I realise that the more you ladies say what you do not get offered by your health authorities.
hi ruscks, have you got you scan date yet....

I have been given my 12 week one 18/08 and 20 week on 8/11 ... can't wait now.........

the meeting with the midwife was good and did make it feel a bit more realy but I can't wait to see a scan piccie......... will bring it all home

wow fiona i haven't had a date yet, desperate for it to be soon, yours isn't long at all is it!! :pray:

Tam yes i have to pay for the nuchal scan if i want it so will have to give it a miss, i am going to have the blood test though at 15 weeks to see the risk like jaidybaby. if there is a significant risk then i will have further tests, its so scary when you start talking like this, you just pray everything is alright don't you. :pray: :pray: :pray:

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